
rot wrote

I feel like something big could happen but could also be squashed by covid there are rent and work strikes happening across the u.s right now which is pretty cool


rot wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by louiscare

riskier since the contents react on contact with air


rot wrote

Reply to by !deleted24215

spray the paper with a clear protective coating or put a piece of packaging tape over it to waterproof the stickers. first method works best


rot wrote

Reply to by !deleted30

perfect time to write to some incarcerated women!


rot wrote

Reply to by !deleted22193

since you work from home could you work in another state? that way you'd totally avoid them


rot wrote

Reply to by !deleted4371

hoping it's berned vs trunps just so it's interesting. then i'd consider voting just to get a mildy left prez, just to see what happens.


rot wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted4371

bernard stans will just become dsa stans and will pick a new state social safy net mascot like aoc