
morr wrote

لماذا يكره كثيرون من المغاربة دولة إسرائيل ويسمونها بـ”دولة الاحتلال” و”الكيان الغاصب”

لماذا يستنكر المغاربة تطبيع المغرب لعلاقاته التجارية والديبلوماسية والأمنية مع إسرائيل

Idk because they kicked the original people out of their lands and are working to exterminate their entire race?

Can't people talk about both issues at the same time? Feels to me like this entire site calls for moroccans to care about no one but themselves


morr OP wrote

The tutorials, videos, and repairs make more people aware of right to repair but I don't feel they themselves do anything for right to repair. What's stopping the companies from having more control until rossmann can't do tutorials, videos, or repairs anymore?


morr OP wrote

When I posted this question what I had in mind was his right to repair stuff and him going to politicians trying to convince them to pass right to repair bills, and later raising funds for a direct ballot initiative and lobbying.

From browsing the site people here seem to not like the idea of going to the politicians and instead making things happen themselves. Do you think what rossmann is doing is good or do you think it will be all in vain in the end? If you weren't to go to the politicians what would you do for right to repair?


morr OP wrote

Reply to comment by yaaqov in Hello by morr

Those trees that get very large and tall and live for very long. when I look at them I get a reassuring feeling knowing that those trees are much older than me and will likely far outlive me


morr OP wrote

Reply to comment by lettuceLeafer in Hello by morr

sometimes i fantasize about going to a desert and turning it into a forest then living in it. if a day ever comes i'm able to do that i don't want to do it alone