
meo wrote

Reply to by bk2h22

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I suppose.


meo wrote (edited )

I feel like all this list does is highlight that game journalists go way too easy on big budget releases. It's not entirely their fault though; fans can get pretty pissed if you give the big release they were looking forward to anything lower than a 9/10 (like that time a bunch of Nintendo fans got mad about one reviewer giving Breath of the Wild a 7/10).

I just hope the trend of doing game reviews without a score that a couple of websites have started doing becomes more popular, because it seems those types of reviews tend to allow a writer to be much more critical of a game without fear of backlash.


meo wrote (edited )

Reply to by !deleted8445

Everyone in this thread is posting the variety of thought-provoking pieces they've read this year while I'm just over here trying to remember if I've read anything except a few femslash fanfics.


meo wrote

Reply to by !deleted8445

Team Fortress 2, Celeste, Heaven Will Be Mine, XCOM 2

Also really into UNIST right now, but since I just started playing it a month ago I guess I can't really call it a favorite of all time yet.


meo wrote (edited )

Reply to by !deleted8445

where are the ancaps on here coming from?


meo wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by !deleted1196 in by !deleted16100

oops, I should have looked through the whole thread before replying. my bad.


meo wrote

Reply to by concerned_redditor

I swear whenever I check raddle lately all I see is some tankie being childish.


meo wrote (edited )

God why do I keep replying in this damned thread.

No I do not think that minority status is based on numbers, and I think that would be clear considering how much I stress that acephobia is real in the rest of my replies. However, I admit my above comment was somewhat unclear. I was trying to acknowledge that ace people might face less discrimination than other queer people on average, but that doesn't change their status as a sexual minority.


meo wrote

So a wikipedia article is an authorative subject on queer issues and whether or not ace people are involved with them?

I said nothing like that? I merely said a brief look at the article and the sources it links to would lead you to ace people talking about the discrimination they've faced. Having looked through this thread more closely though it seems if you saw any of those examples you'd just say it's solely about misogyny, because apparently it's impossible for people to be discriminated against for multiple reasons.

Acephobia isn't any kind of structural thing, it doesn't exist outside of "allo" LGBT folk not liking you very much because of your constant puritan moral grandstanding and cooption of lgbt causes.

I don't think I'm going to bother responding after this. If you're really going to be adamant that acephobia doesn't exist, it doesn't seem like anything I have to say is going to have any affect on you. Also, in regards to the scare quotes around allo: are you suggesting ace people's identities aren't even real? Allo is literally just the opposite of ace, if you think allo isn't a proper term that seems to be what you're suggesting.


meo wrote

I'm a trans woman and literally already said in another reply that I don't trust cis queers. So, as far as I can tell, most of your reply doesn't even make any sense.

As far as your claim that ace people face no oppression from cisheteropatriarchy: even a cursory glance at the wiki article hermit_dragon linked and the sources it links to could lead you to ace people talking about the discrimination they've faced — some of which sounds a whole of a hell lot like discrimination because they are ace. Instead you chose to be very angry online, so that's cool.

In my opinion, ignoring the fact that a lot of people really dislike ace people, and that they could easily become another a target for reactionaries as knowledge of their existence becomes more widespread, is kind of irresponsible. There's no reason to not stand with ace people now, as they already deal with some pretty bad discrimination and it could get worse.

Also, I just want to reiterate, I do not trust cis queers (unless they prove themselves to be trustworthy). I'm sure plenty of cis ace people hold some horrible opinions about other queer people, same as cis gays (and even some trans people, sadly). However, that doesn't magically erase the fact that acephobia exists.


meo wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by snake in Is Ace exclusion against TOS? by mofongo

Straight women are also negatively effected by commonly held views about sexuality, as well as men who aren't 'macho'.

This is entirely ignoring that the difference between these two examples and ace people is that ace people are inherently a sexual minority.

The rest of what you're saying still boils down to “ace people just aren't systemically oppressed enough”. You think queer should be defined by the oppression we face, I think it should be defined by people's status as a gender, romantic or sexual minority. Anyway, I don't really have a stake in this because I don't trust cis queers much, so I don't even care a ton about the idea of a LGBTQ+ community.


meo wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by snake in Is Ace exclusion against TOS? by mofongo

Oh, I didn't realize there was a certain oppression threshold you had to meet to be part of the queer community. Ace people are negatively affected by commonly held views about sexuality, so why should they be excluded just because they're not oppressed enough (apparently)?

Also, excluding ace people for the fact that cishet ace people might be shitty makes no sense, considering you can't trust most cis queers to not be shitty about trans people. I can't think of a single logical reason for singling out ace people like that.