
coffeecat wrote

Hi, guys (: I used to frequent r/proed and you all helped me so much. I felt so understood and loved. You guys rock!!! I'm so happy we have this place now.

A slight background about me - I'm a 24 year old female. I'm 5'1.75 and 92lbs currently. My UGW is 85lbs. I developed my ED 2 years ago as an adult. I was never overweight (my highest weight was 120lbs). I guess what started as healthy weight loss (I wanted to get down to 105) spun out of control and here we are. My boyfriend and family are unaware of my ED and I am very good at hiding it. I work in a restaurant which further triggers me to restrict. Im hoping to reach at least 88 lbs by Christmas.


coffeecat wrote

Oh my God, I am so nervous for Thanksgiving. Even though I'm an adult, my parents are divorced and I'm living with my boyfriend and his family, so I literally am being invited to like 4 thanksgivings. I just dont know what to do. I've been high restricting the past 6 days and plan on low restricting today. I just really dont want to celebrate a holiday that basically revolves around food. My mother wants me to come over tomorrow to help her cook and prepare things... I hate all the comments I always get from my family. I dont know. I'm going to try to eat as little as I possibly can. I guess I cant really track what I'm eating as everything is homemade.


coffeecat wrote

I am 24 years old. I developed my eating disorder when I was 22. My story is pretty weird. I was in my last year of college and I participated in a research study the university was conducting. They were just looking for students to participate because the purpose of the study was to get a general idea of the health of their students. The study involved a blood test, weighing you, measuring your height, cholesterol, blood pressure and sugar, things like that.

They also measured your body fat percentage. At the time, I found out I weighed 118lbs and my body fat percentage was almost 30. I was absolutely disgusted with myself and the woman conducting the study suggested I lose some weight. Other than that, my cholesterol, blood pressure, and everything else was very good.

I took the advice too far and now I have an ED. Soon after that research study, I found ProED and basically realized I had a problem. I dont blame the university at all, it's not anyone's fault I developed an ED, it just happened.


coffeecat wrote (edited )

ProEd made me feel welcomed, understood, and gave me a place where I could truly share my personal thoughts and feelings and struggles without feeling judged. I'm a 24 year old female and only 2 years ago developed my ED. ProEd was a place for me to go when I was at my worst and my best. And now it's gone. My ED has pretty much stayed the same since I found the sub. I found it not too long after I realized I was struggling.