
celebratedrecluse wrote (edited )

On the individual human scale, by promoting a variety of psychobiological stressors which make infected persons on average more symptomatic and transmissible. Ergo, promoting lytic over lysomatic cycling at any given time for an infected person.

On the epidemiological scale, by maintaining and even increasing the area under the curve while flattening it out, thus creating a larger number of infections ovrr a longer period of time. Ergo more lytic cycles within the population over the epidemic duration

I wrote a post about this actually, with citations.

edit: misspoke


celebratedrecluse wrote

Reply to by !deleted24983



celebratedrecluse wrote

Dialectic is a form of oppositional binaries where two forces, like capital and labour, struggle to achieve opposing goals. Dialectic materialism, Marx's ideology, claims that history is produced by the opposition of these binaries, like capital and labour, manifested in the material conditions of class conflict (struggle between rich who control means of productiomn through socially recognized ownership, and poor who must sell their labour and bodies to survive)

:) there go


celebratedrecluse wrote

I don't know, but I think the 10% death rate for older folks on average is for those who are getting medical care. This is why I thought hospital staff arent bothering treating people over 65 who are in the hospital for covid-19 in Italy & Spain & New York. After a certain point, having more staff attend to you just doesnt change the medical reality. But you have a point, the elite will do whatever they can to insulate themselves-- i wonder how effective this will be, though. I think there's a good chance a lot of rich people will die this year and next year


celebratedrecluse wrote

Millions will die regardless. Quarantine actually increases the death toll from the virus, and prolongs its lytic duration. The only purpose is to avoid breaking the fragile hospital network.

Power created this crisis through its drive for profit, and now its forcing average people to cower in their homes-- if they have any. One of the most dystopian things I've ever seen is a video recorded by a friend of their local police using loudspeakers on military vehicles to tell a group of houseless people to "disperse and shelter in place"

The elite is more likely to carry these diseases because they travel more, and they're more likely to die because they're older and physically weaker, than the median. Their choice to institute curfews is not altruistic, in defense of the immunocompromised. It is simply a way to preserve their own power and tighten the vice of authoritarianism.

The alternative to forcing militarized rule on civilians is to simply close nonessential business, provide for the needs of the people, postpone large gatherings and forgive all debts in a jubilee. This crisis should be an opportunity to slow down & start over as a society. Instead, it is being used mostly as a way to intensify the processes that got us here.


celebratedrecluse wrote

Just want to mention that I called this 5 months ago lol

That said, I think this is really going to change in the next 10 years though, because of the widespread and non-transparent proliferation of these privatized facial recognition and gait recognition software companies contracting with local PD, private companies, and a whole other bunch of shady shit that is transforming capitalist countries into places where what used to be considered petty crime is treated as this existential threat to the system, and a military response (where this technology, plus all the weapons the polices have, came from) is considered appropriate or even necessary.

This is now a total tangent from what we were talking about, but I think it's very relevant to the sub as a whole. These changes...It's a long time coming and the dial is running out on the current grifts that people have been using, so the only way I see illegalist praxis like lifting working in the future neo-feudalism that's being implemented is through coordinated activity, where disciplined groups work to protect each other and subvert these systems of control. For example, the use of lasers to disrupt surveillance devices, in coordination with distractions (disruptive behavior on the other side of the store), and a few people lifting quietly and efficiently during the chaos.




celebratedrecluse wrote

Everyone, regardless of prior work status, should be able to get unemployment benefits. In fact, if we are going to have money at all, give a UBI commensurate to the number of dependent children or other persons cared for.


celebratedrecluse wrote (edited )

So, the article doesn't say much, because Ed didn't say much. However, let's talk anyway.

the thing that comes to mind on this topic is surveillance of drug users, sufferers chronic illness and the emotionally ill. The digital tracking of heart rate, blood pressure, and other quantifiable biometrics will allow the state and capital to predict the emergence of what they might term "biodefense vulnerabilities". Under a capitalist healthcare regime, this mean externalizing costs by shunting people who deviate from biotypical norms into a high risk pool, or otherwise stigmatizing them within bureaucracy that they are made dependent on. Or both, if your society is just that warm & cuddly.

Ultimately people are kidding themselves if they think these "emergency powers" will be eased after the vaccine is developed. This opportunity will probably not be wasted by power. The system profits from our fear, dependency, and isolation. As the planet reveals itself as hollowed out for resources, and margins thin, this novel pandemic-- the first of many in the 3rd millenium-- is a great gift to the teetering hierarchies around us.

Hope that they can have too much of a "good" thing. Otherwise, we are fucked lmfao


celebratedrecluse wrote

It's important to find goals and work toward them. Creative pursuits can be fulfilling when you have nothing else. Consuming media, vudeo games are great escapes.

If you can get a part time job, and can save the money somewhere your parents cant get to it, it will allow you to escape eventually. I would wait until you have 2-3 months rent before leaving.


celebratedrecluse wrote

Yeah this is clearly only within the framework of profits that something as wasteful as flying planes (during pandemic lol) would be needed. Just pay your workers a living wage commensurate to the labour you're asking for. Oh you can't? Well maybe we need a different economic situation then, lol


celebratedrecluse wrote

Sure, most of it is about survival level stealing, but there are also instructions on how to destroy cars from the inside out, other forms of sabotage, how to ruin a pedophile's life is one from more recently. If you wade through the search bar you may find stuff that is helpful.

But yes, /u/ziq is correct in that the moving of /f/shoplifting to /f/illegalism had the very unfortunate side effect of burying the entire previous contents of this forum. I would talk to ziq if you are interested in that old data, or perhaps you can sort the posts by oldest/scroll to the back.