
anarchist_network OP wrote

In the sense of worker solidarity it would make sense to work and get help and develope your region. I don't see a problem here. It would not be the working conditions like under capitalism.

Saying that this problem should be solved is a kind of lazy answer in my opinion. It's fact that for solar energy or wind energy or stuff with rubber you would need to import.


anarchist_network OP wrote

May I ask what ideology you are?

Why wouldn't they work. Of course it would not be the same slavery in this capitalist system.

If you would get support for your region and could develop I think it would be a great opertunity.

Also for clean energy you would need special metals to build solar or wind power plants. In 80% of the world you wouldn't get these and the idea falls apart


anarchist_network OP wrote


Collectivist anarchism and the idea of labor vouchers goes as follows:

The needs such as housing, food and water are free but now there are the things you WANT to have.

You work and then get paid for your work according to the time you worked and the importance of work in society. The importance would of course be decided before actually implementing labor vouchers. With these labor vouchers you can buy luxury items on a non capitalist market in the sense that you give a certain amount of vouchers in exchange for example a watch. After your purchase the vouchers will be destroyed for the purpose of not getting anyone rich.

It's a bit like a fusion of mutualism and collectivism.

The reason I put nation in quotes is because of my language barrier and I didn't knew how else to put it.

I don't think and also don't want competition in my anarchist economy but I think if regions are more developed then others that is still inequality and without certain things you need you would get less developed.

Also thanks for the recommendation :)


anarchist_network OP wrote

For example the northern part of Germany is very very flat and much of the agriculture such as wheat grows there. But they would have no way in getting things like metals. They could sustain themselves with enough food and water of course but in terms of technology they would be worse than west Germany or other regions