
Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Ok, sounds good. Enjoy your dogmatic, pedantic anarchism. You’d make a great James Bond villain. 👍🏻

At that, I’m leaving Raddle. I suspect there are about 8 users here that post/vote under multiple accounts and the conversations here are boring as fuck.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Who else is tired of the “stop voting and complain” propaganda?

Not that the alternative was MUCH better, but the globalists were/are pissed Donald won. I would argue we need more people voting, not less. And, if history has anything to teach us, it’s that rock bottom is pretty far down there and it can take a long time to climb your way back out.

I’m not telling you to vote, but it does leave the way wide open for the very worst in our society to take over.

I heard the most compelling argument for voting third party yet. In the US, If a third party gets enough votes in the previous election they automatically get on the ballot, meaning they can use the meager resources they have during the general election instead of trying to get on the ballot. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Well that’s exactly what I did.

In the mean time, I resent language that suggests there’s some kind of Platonic Anarchism.

I’m fine with ziq having their own brand of anarchism, maybe it’s even mainstream on the Internet. But, from my perspective it’s exactly the anarchism that would maximize human suffering, and transparently so.

Defining anarchism so narrowly means that progressives who don’t prefer communism, and who don’t want humans suffering at the hands of whoever is strongest in the absence of any counterbalancing power, will have no ideological home.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

So there is no law, no power structures to protect the weak, everyone is “free” to try and get justice if they’re strong or well liked enough to get a band of people together.

No archy at all.

That’s what anarchism is REALLY all about, complete and total freedom. No more pesky power structures oppressing anyone from doing everything their heart desires.

Let’s bring about our anarcho libertarian utopia ASAP.


There are also more humane visions Anarchy that allow for democracy, voting, societies, protection for the weak, etc. But here on Raddle we don’t acknowledge them.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

I don’t really get how voting is against anarchist ideology. Is it because you’re voting for representatives? How would you come to group consensus otherwise?


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Yeah, I guess I would want to get very specific here. I’m not exactly a pacifist, but I don’t support blanket violence either.

My tendency would be trial by jury with a bias for not murdering people, but stopping them from gaining power or leverage again.

And yes, I thought ‘enablers’ included working class people, which I think most working class people would also conclude.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Well they didn’t use vague figures and it can’t be changed. Might be interesting if someone here who cares would do the leg work to validate them rather than wasting energy ordering people around to do it.

And, you should still consider therapy. I don’t mean it as an insult.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

You might wanna consider therapy for your OCD. This is the Internetz. People are gonna make unsupported statements. Even if the figures aren’t perfect, they make a valid point.

Arguing to discredit them makes you look like you’re capitalist sympathizers.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

It’s also possible that neither are right. Ideologies are no better than the people who hold them. People who love authority will use communist or anarchist ideals to establish authority and will make rationalizations within their ideological framework to justify oppression. People who love freedom, equality and democracy can make a free society within a liberal capitalist framework. You’ll say it’s impossible, but if you look you’ll see examples.

All systems, no matter how sound the ideology, tend to authoritarianism as one generation is forced to cede power(and resists) to the next. The succeeding generations can be children, immigrants, economic classes, trades or industries.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

I identify as an anarchist, please do not speak for us all when you talk about wiping people off the planet.

Largely, I believe there’s a massive amount unlearning for the working class. Sometimes it takes time and agreeing to disagree, showing patience, deference and kindness can go a long way.

That said, I’m all for punching hardened fascists, but primarily to stop their violence, not for any moralistic justice.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Depends on where you live. I meet more leftists than right-ists.

However, right wing ideology has a way of drawing people in to a feeling of community as they get more extreme, whereas leftists become isolated. I think it has to do with the fact that right wing ideologies tend to circle around an established authority, even if that’s just a vision of an ideal society, whereas leftists seem to always be dragged from one cause to the next being “the most important thing ever.”


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Reply to by !deleted8871

Fascists are fully aware of their opposition’s viewpoints. Mostly it’s useless to engage anyone who’s reasonably convinced one way or the other.


Zzzxxxyyy wrote

Support. I thought the shared accounts were pointless considering you can make new accounts at will. Maybe add a proxy/permissions feature so with permission someone(s) can post under a different account?