
ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote

That was exactly how it used to be when the European settlers arrived. What happened was some people didn't work, people went hungry and harvested crop before it was ripe, people didn't share, etc. and at the end of the season there wasn't enough food for everyone.
So they decided everyone would have their own piece of land to do whatever they want and people were responsible for themself. Extra food could be traded and it worked better.
But then people realized land was a limiting resource, so people wanted more land. So people began buying land, and the. everyone didnt have land and the system got worse. Blacks were used as slaves to work their land since blacks had no land for themselves.
Even in Native American culture land has been an issue. Animals tend to move, migrate, and what not so what happens when the herd is in enemy territory or there's no animals around? Do you steal, kill the other tribes? Starve? What happens when winter comes? Do you stay put or find a new spot? The native Americans were no strangers to war.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote

Yep my extremely conservative Christian baby boomer family couldn't give a shit about the people who rent from them.
My grandma makes $370k, doesn't work, and spends her life vacationing at her 3 homes.
Uncle makes $160k, owns 40 gas stations, and a mansion with two pools, spends his life drinking and talking to vendors about sports.
Meanwhile my family grew up in a bad home and everyone in the household got very sick developing Crohns, Bipolar, Anxiety, Anger Issues, Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Allergies, and so my Dad ended up dying, my little brother died, and everyone who lived has been very sick.
And the other side of the family has been like, well we get his stuff since he was our brother.
And you know they have a lot of money and lawyers, and my mom doesn't, so they financially ruined us.
They hug their Bible because paper is all they've ever loved.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote (edited )

Vice is like the last source I would go to for medical opinions.
At least Alex Jones offers a new perspective, and a healthy dose of skeptism of the failing medical model, if nothing else.
Vice is like a water-downed article, written off an agenda based Fox News article, written off of a tobacco science study, done by the biased opinions of the products own manufacturers.

The biggest health concern of the 21st century is the electromagnetic radiation bombarding people in their bedrooms. Non-ionizing radiation IS dangerous, and that actually does mean nutrition supplements are one of the best forms of protection readily available. One of the most common side effects of radiation absorption is nutritional deficiency.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote (edited )

Well pretty much these are your options:

  1. Marry into the top of the social/economic political structure
  2. Become so sick, you qualify for disability, then scrape your way along the bottom of the social/economic political structure

Once you have accomplished that, you now have the resource: *Time
One of six aspects necessary to actually change anything.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote

Reply to Why are you single? by ziq

A mix batch of reasons from 50+% divorce rates, terrible economy, but mostly because I overworked myself through a terrible 2 year relationship for some girl using me as a stress sink, and I just don't want to deal with that anymore.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote

I know the natives here used to engage in a practice called scalping, where an enemy tribes member was disfigured vie removing a portion of their skull in the belief that their enemy would enter the afterlife eternally disfigured.
They would dry and tan the skull parts and then decorate their spears with them.
And the Hopi partake in a ritual where they sew baby eagle eyes shut and tie their necks together for 90 days, in a way to gather feathers for their headpieces.

I then decided that there are some good things in my own culture I wasn't giving enough appreciation.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote

The need for increased productivity, to get work down, creates a job to get rid of jobs.
If productivity increases, then you don't need as many workers. The big corporations need to increase productivity because they aren't making as much money and there's not as much work to do. This is because of development completion. Homes built 200 years ago are still here. Infrastructure built 50 years ago is still here. Phones built 20 years ago still work. And with the internet, people have endless amounts of cheap entertainment.
So everything should be great right? We have all this infrastructure for people to use, there's less work, people have time to do the things they enjoy...
Except, everyone is dying.
As it turns out, non-ionizing radiation from electronics actually is dangerous to the human body since it interferes with bodily processes at the quantum level, and so developing an entire country to survive on electricity may not have been a good decision.
But this knowledge is very touch-touch. A lot has been done to suppress awareness and knowledge of the electromagnetic damage, particularly the most in the USA. Due to weakening demand, many companies have consolidated creating an ultra-rich/powerful class of people and their controlling power comes directly from electricity.
The effects of radiation causes a flight or fight response in the body because it is being attacked. Stress hormones are produced, and if there weren't any distractions, it's possible people would figure it out. So in order to distract people from what's harming them, the ultra-wealthy depend on generating as much confusion into society as possible, particularly fear-mongering. With constant fear news and stress, biases and anger become stronger in society which allows for tighter constrictions and control, which means more electricity, and thus... more problems.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote (edited )

This was the intent of that CIA op to destroy the black youth. They took over the music industry and promoted killing and drug use for the black identity while funneling hard drugs into black communities to destroy their morality and mindset. Back then, these were people who wanted to be like Martin Luther King Jr. and this was a serious threat. They were dominately a strong voting block and they needed to control the political stage to elect corrupt politicians. Now they just hack elections to get the results they want but still need to manufacture crime to push unconstituational laws.


ThisGuyIsAProblem wrote

At this point, it's pretty much guaranteed at least a large portion o the Earth will no longer be liveable after another world war, if not all. So they need to keep a section of Earth out of the war, South America. That means they need to have as little power as possible, which is why we are destroying their economy and controlling their politics so heavily. They cannot be allowed to join the upcoming war.