
Tastybiscuits wrote

Flea meds. Depending on the area you live in they should be super easy to swipe (most places local to me just have them out in the open.) They are also easy to resell for good money. Which honestly, I think money is probably what they would prefer most. Either that or your time. Possibly temporary foster homes for pets that are unable to stay within the shelters (severe prior abuse/anxiety/aggression/dominance/medical issues) When people lose pets they often donate whatever they have left over, so I’m sure they have plenty of basic supplies for the most part.

You can also call & ask them directly. I don’t think they would have a problem telling you what they are in need of.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted27574

Razors like the kind you shave with or the scooters? Or the flip phones from Y2K? o__O??


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted20580 in lifter tips for success? by potluck

Sorry! I’ve actually been lurking this board for a while just was a bit busy to make an account/ didn’t really think it was an active enough community tbh. But recently someone posted a thread that you responded to and I was going to contact you about it because I actually have a lot to offer on the matter, but I thought you would get sketched out if I contacted you with no post history.

Didn’t mean to be stalker-y, that part was honestly unintentional.


Tastybiscuits wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by !deleted31467 in landlords are parasites by zoom_zip

I love the inexplicable internet mindset of, “if you don’t agree with me than you obviously must be one of the (landlords).”

It is no more their fault that they own something than it is your fault that you don’t. In actuality it is probably quiet the opposite. Do you think everyone who owns something had it handed to them for free? Hell no. I for one have worked extremely hard to get to where I am & I don’t even have that much to my name. (I definitely do not have any land.) But I also realize that the way I got here was by making sacrifices. You want to know how I bought a nice car? I saved my money for a long fuckin time & chose to make sacrifices in favor of an ultimate goal. Do you know how I was able to afford the rent on my place? I worked a full time job & started a side business that I dedicated all my free time & energy too, even when I didn’t want to. My landlord doesn’t give me any breaks just like I don’t give her any. We have an agreement that we both entered into willingly with the expectation that the other person would hold up to their word if and when the day comes. If my plumbing stops working, it is her responsibility to provide the required fix as per our agreed upon deal- whether that fix is by her own hands or her pocket I don’t care as long as it is sufficiently corrected in a timely manner. In return it is my responsibility to pay my rent on time. Your logic in the matter makes absolutely no sense when you actually dissect it & I fail to see where your preconceived notion that landlords are parasites because they have ownership of something that you don’t is a justified concept. The reality is far from the picture you have conveniently painted.

By your logic we should either all be poor and own nothing regardless of how hard one works, or we should all be rich even if you do nothing to earn it or maintain it properly.

Edit: You know the whole “every kid gets a trophy” issues so no one feels bad. Your analogy is that but worse.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted20580 in by !deleted31768

I have been using magnets for YEARS. Since before you could buy an s3 off Wish for $10, they used to run $100+ online. I was lucky enough to find a local bodega tucked away in a tract of warehouse centers that sold Neodymium mags to other businesses. I invested like $60 in a mag (still the best mag I own for regular tags to this day, thing is strong AF and fairly thin.)

At the time I wasn’t really raking in the dough financially, so I read as much as I could online- anything and everything I could get my hands on. Learned how to take apart computer hard drives & use tape to build my own S3 key. Started using this in stores, then noticed lazy employees leave actual s3 keys laying around ALL THE TIME. Got myself a little set of security screw drill tips & kept them in my car for if I ever happened to find one & needed to de-alarm them. Once I actually started looking for improperly placed s3 keys I couldn’t believe how many I found laying around. I would walk into the back room of stores while my BF kept point & within a minute flat walk out with the loading dock s3 key. It was easier than taking candy from a baby. Straight wreckt HD when those nest thermostats came out.

The best thing I have done to increase the value of my lifts. Anyone who hasn’t even used magnets yet should absolutely NOT be telling others what is or is not possible for others to do.


Tastybiscuits wrote

I wouldn’t worry about it. They would:

  1. Have to know that the specific item you took was missing.
  2. Examine hours if not days worth of camera footage to find the perpetrator (Macy’s has hundred of camera’s this would take forever.)
  3. They have to notice that you were the one that stole it while looking over the hours of footage (which they would probably do on fast forward, which would give them even a bigger chance of missing the conceal.) They would need to be certain beyond a reasonable doubt that it was you (not some dressed like you, or someone the same height as you, etc.) that concealed the item because they would then have to then...
  4. Get approval from store manager to pull up your private information on the internal system. They will also have to be certain that the information you provided then was accurate & not an identity theft.
  5. Call the PD & convince them they have irrefutable evidence that you (and only you) were the perpetrator of this crime & that you didn’t have any opportunity to dump the merch at anytime after concealment.
  6. The PD would have to have the time & resources to go to the store, receive the footage, take a report, come to your house & give you a ticket with a court date on it. If they arrest you, you would be out by the next day at the absolute latest...I highly highly highly doubt this would happen considering we are in a pandemic and they aren’t even having ppl with full on priors stay longer than a couple nights in jail. This is true for my state at least.

The steps involved are beyond what is practical for them to waste their time doing this & would rely on too many uncertain factors to actually secure an arrest or conviction IMO.

BUT, I will say, I worked at Macy’s over X-mas one year at the perfume counter in a very busy mall of a fairly well off area in a modestly sized popular city. This was quiet some time ago. While I was training there they took us into the LP room to do our paperwork, & the store I worked in had a shit ton of rows of TV screens with camera pointing in EVERY direction. We also had at least 3 LP working at all times. They absolutely at the time had a hands on policy & I saw multiple ppl get caught in the short time I worked there. I am just telling you my experience, do with it what you please, but if it were me, I would most definitely not steal from there.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted20580

I live in a somewhat big city but we have shit public transport. Luckily I have my own car. Gives me a (probably false) sense of security. If you were relying on the bus you would have to plan your lifting to coincide with the pickup schedule, yeah?

I’m guessing walking would be the better option...but then you have to take into consideration the size of your lift would greatly decrease. You would really only have the option of going for small easily transportable items, which if they are high value, are probably monitored more closely. You would also have to conceal the majority of the time, since you lack a quick get away doing a walkout could be extremely dangerous (unless it’s just like a jacket draped over your shoulder or an item someone could mistake as already belonging to you.)


Tastybiscuits wrote

Landlords are independent entities from the government. By signing into a lease you are choosing to enter into a civil business contract that absolutely must outline these issues in detail. Most landlords do not possess the personal skills required to maintain properties, but must pay for & provide these maintenance services as required by contract despite the cost to do so, in a timely manner. If anyone (service professionals, renters, etc.)are injured on the property, the landlord is at fault. If the house burns down, the landlord takes the loss, not the renter. By failing to pay rent, the renter is knowingly breaking that contract whether intended or otherwise. If the renter does not agree to the terms of the rental contract, the renter is not required to or forced to sign it in any way, & may find an alternate location more suitable to their preferences. The landlord does not choose the renters career or income. The landlord cannot be blamed for poor decision making, lack of financial planning, or minimized opportunity in certain communities as these issues are beyond the landlords control. If the landlord were to default on his loan, the bank would blame the landlord, not the renter.

Otherwise I love the raw feel of the images has a very grunge look. I agree that the slide with the white background & text was extremely hard to read. I would like to see that one changed to a more legible background.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted20580 in by !deleted6627

Yep. Also just a tip, the eBay search bar has a barcode scan option which will take you to the listings for the item on their site. You can get a great idea of how many are listed & the average sale price for the last 90 days by toggling some of the filters. Keep in mind that it only shows the listings that included the barcode when created, but will give you a great quick overall snapshot.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted31479 in by !deleted31479

I do a GC scam, but they require in person cards. I usually pick up things to list on eBay when I pick up & drop them off.

But tbh I love to shop & I usually buy legit clothes a lot due to my job. So I don’t think I particularly look suspicious or out of place at most stores. Most of the time I lift I do it out of the convenience while shopping where I was going to already buy something. I’ll just be looking & notice how easy it is to do. Also I have been taking advantage of tag switching to get some super fancy clothes I’ve always wanted but couldn’t lift. It’s easy to do but you have to have enough money in the first place for it to be worth it.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted20580 in Caught at walfart DUMB by Bl4ckJ4ck

Best to be cautious in general. A lot of states have increasing penalties each time you are caught, my state for example will give you a felony if you have multiple petty thefts. Petty theft with a prior. Not sure the exact requirements for this but it’s something to look into.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by Bl4ckJ4ck in Caught at walfart DUMB by Bl4ckJ4ck

Lots of companies have to sign “contracts” that would never hold up in court. Not sure if this is one of them because I haven’t tested it, but it could be legit because I know for sure that any business can refuse service to any person for any reason that is nondescriminative (race, age, sex, religion, etc.) You signing the doc is acknowledging the refusal.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted20486

The only likely ways of getting the camera in store, is an unlocked case, or using an s3. Best bet would be to walk straight in do it right away and leave immediately before anyone can notice. I would check behind employee stations for keys to the lock cases & such a lot of employees are dumb AF and leave them laying around all over the place. Then you just have to have the balls to use them. Maybe come back dressed in something similar to the employee uniform? Make sure to park far away where NO cameras can see you even neighboring businesses.

Otherwise DNA something expensive then sell it for $$ to buy the camera.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted20486

The only likely ways of getting the camera in store, is an unlocked case, or using an s3. Best bet would be to walk straight in do it right away and leave immediately before anyone can notice. I would check behind employee stations for keys to the lock cases & such a lot of employees are dumb AF and leave them laying around all over the place. Then you just have to have the balls to use them. Maybe come back dressed in something similar to the employee uniform? Make sure to park far away where NO cameras can see you even neighboring businesses.

Otherwise DNA something expensive then sell it for $$ to buy the camera.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted24301

Got caught the first time when I was in HS (being naive & busty AF.) As soon as I walked out of the store 2 guys came right behind & started saying “Stop you’re under arrest!” I got scared and tried to run, but I was wearing some jenky ass flip flops & couldn’t go fast. The HUGE (like at least a 250lb Samoan guy wtf) grabbed me (like 115lbs at the time) & started screaming “STOP RESISTING ARREST!” over and over again. I was scared shitless. Luckily they just sent me the Civil Demand letter & made me promise not to come back (might have taken my pic.) I paid it like an idiot because back then there weren’t places like this online that I could find to educate me on that stuff.

2nd time was years later (mid 20s.) My BF & I were cracked TF out & used to hit up Walmart’s at night because our local area didn’t have LP. One night I started getting a sketch feeling and as I was about to leave there was a guy following right behind me, which was odd because there were like no shoppers in the store. I got weirded out & stopped before the exit, but he just walked right out. I waited a few minutes then decided it was cool (ugh like I said I was cracked TF out) & as soon as I took a step out the guy grabbed my arm. I started screaming as loud as I could & luckily my BF was smoking a cig right outside & saw what was happening. My BF’s a big fuckin guy. He comes barreling around the corner with his fist up like he’s gonna knock the guy out. The guy got scared & tried to throw up his hands and protect his face and as soon as he let go of me I ran to my bf. The guy kept saying I was in trouble & had to come with him but my BF wouldn’t let him take me. I finally just dumped all the shit in front of the guy and my BF and I left. Nothing ever happened that time.

3rd time, a couple months after the 2nd. Even more cracked TF out than the 1st time. Went to a Wally in the middle of the day to get a few necessities when the same LP from before saw me. I know he didn’t see me lift because of what happened later in the room, but just assumed I was up to something. Noticed I was alone & stopped me at the door before I even walked through it with 2 other goons. Dragged me back to the room locked the door & called the cops. Merch totaled less than $25 (it was like a toothbrush and some other cheap shit) but he insisted on calling the cops. Even the police were kinda like wtf? But yeah got arrested did like 14 hrs in a holding cell & it fucking sucked. They released me at night and I had to walk like 3 cities over to get home because they let me cell die & every place I could have called from was closed.

LUCKILY, I haven’t been caught since. Knock on wood. But my plan from this point further is if anyone tried to tell me to stop keep walking (or running if I have to), & if they grab me start screaming like they’re trying to rape me & do some self defense moves on them. I usually carry my keys if I’m at all sketch so I can use them as a weapon if need be. I know you can get in trouble from trying to hurt an LP but if you don’t know they’re LP you might not get in trouble or at least not as much. I would say they failed to identify themselves and I had no reason not to believe they were an attacker following a women back to their car.


Tastybiscuits wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by !deleted20335 in by !deleted31754

Clearly a lot! But come on bro. The kid that farts in class is the human equivalent of lifting from dollar general. You could probably find more valuable items by taking donation bags left behind a Goodwill at night...and technically that’s not even illegal.

And honestly, anything that you could need to borrow from DG (which I’m assuming is hygiene/care items because nothing else would be worth it from there) can be borrowed from the grocery store. Better quality products & less security.

Edit: spelling ):


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by kac666

Wait so she stopped you before you left the actual store? If so there is nothing they can do. Even if the police did come to your house, which I don’t think they will, just say you don’t know what they’re talking about.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted31045

Right now I’m using my LV Monogram Neverfull GM. It’s fucking huge & I can fit more than a reasonable amount in there without it looking like anything is in it at all. I usually take the interior pouch (& my phone, keys, mask holder if needed) and put it on top of my lift to masquerade it as just another messy bag if anyone were to catch a glimpse in. Haven’t used it for clothes yet as right now I’m on an inventory stocking run for my reseller platforms, but before that I was using my Givenchy Antigona Bambi Tote which is basically the same size & surprisingly never had an issue. I also live in a fairly affluent area where these kinds of bags are commonplace so I think that helps draw away suspicion, plus I am an age where it is reasonably appropriate to own & carry a purse of this size.

I know they sell these fabric rectangular bag organizers for the Neverfull online & I have been thinking of ordering one to give my bag a more defined structure, hopefully it will help me to be able to fill it up more without the sides giving anything away.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted30160 in by !deleted31045

All of this is perfect. I use a scarf or shawl or kimono instead of a t-shirt, usually try to enter the store wearing it then take it off while shopping acting like it’s making me hot. Also a good way to cover the bag upon entry so that when you’re leaving they can’t tell a difference in purse fullness.


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to by !deleted31479

Lately when I have been doing high end, I prefer to tag switch instead of straight lift. Winter clothes are hard to conceal and I have been really wanting som specific things.. Works great at N Rack especially with the really high end stuff. Just make sure you put a relatively believable price on the items you’re buying otherwise you can get called out fast. Most recently I got a $400 (on sale) Vince Sherpa coat (retail was over $900- wtf??!!!) by switching the tag with a Vince Sweater that cost around $55. Totally fucking worth it. Also make sure you get someone at checkout who is obviously oblivious AF. If it’s your turn to checkout & the gay guy wearing the same clothes you just saw in the store calls you to his register, act like you just saw something cute you want to buy on the checkout line goodie lane & offer to let the person behind you go first while you check it out.

Tag gun cost less than $20 on Amazon & Ebay. They are an inconceivably valuable tool for the times when regular lifting is more challenging than need be. I have easily stolen them from stores when shitty employees were too busy gossiping to man the dressing rooms. Lots of boutique-y type small overpriced stores tend to just leave them laying around all Willy billy with the plastic barbs still inserted & everything.


Tastybiscuits wrote

A few days ago I had what I am assuming was a plain clothes follow me to the shampoo aisle & stay there pretending to intensely peruse the shampoo selection for close to 20 minutes (possibly longer tbh.) He then accidentally said what’s up to a coworker friend of his that had just clocked in. Then when he realized he couldn’t keep standing near me, he left the aisle with nothing & went over to act busy close to the door. The ridiculous thing was I wasn’t even trying to steal anything.

What kind of normal customer intensely studies a wide range of differently priced shampoos (mostly for women) & then decides to walk away empty handed? I noticed that right after he left I had the Supervisor constantly walking by, conveniently needing to put back inventory directly next to where I was standing....


Tastybiscuits wrote

Reply to comment by NOISEBOB in by !deleted20335

T-T no one can see that I’m smiling with my mask on!!!! Then I just feel like a creeper making awkward eye contact and sending aggressively positive vibes towards anyone I come across...