
JayGrym wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted30 in by !deleted30

Schools are horrible for so many reasons. My kids get sick more frequently during the school year and then the office people want a doctors note every time. They toss the truancy threats around. I thought we had the RIGHT to education, not the OBLIGATION to go to some sort of internment camp 6 hours a day lol


JayGrym wrote

Reply to comment by vagina in Is "boomer" problematic language? by ziq

Someone who cares! I was incorrect then. I actually called it out for agism but saw no one caring about its use. Eventually it is bound to be problematic. Is it offensive to the parties being referred to as boomers? Likely. Is it discriminatory? Sure. Discrimination is discrimination. The term is being misused or I'm missing the evolution of the language lol


JayGrym wrote

Reply to comment by subrosa in Is "boomer" problematic language? by ziq

I agree with this perspective. Also, I would like to assume we all learned what a baby boomer is in school. We learned the soldiers came home and there was a population 'boom' because they were starting families. We learned the 1946-1964 babies were boomers. So (for me, at least) when i see someone say Ok, boomer I perceive agism. Due to learning what a baby boomer was when i was in elementary school and then seeing how it is currently used , i see it as agism. Is it problematic? Well, not really. A boomer might take offence but no one else seems to care lol


JayGrym wrote

Reply to comment by Fearthewalkingfailtwo in by !deleted23991

I may be incorrect but that phrase implies nothing about fabricating a story. I thought it referred to baby boomers lol my bad if I'm wrong; It just seemed odd in this instance


JayGrym wrote

Reply to by !deleted8217

Can I just be 'listed'? Lol I find adding colors to the term to be racist


JayGrym wrote

If I remember correctly, the government had intel, like you said, and let it happen but I also feel what u/existential1 is saying. Maybe it's a bit of both. Let the event happen, adding another target or two (maybe to cover something up or to ramp up the public reaction), and never have to take blame. I sincerely hope it isn't the case, but it is the American government so it isn't impossible.


JayGrym wrote

Online gaming has helped me make friends. I met an interesting dude on Waframe yesterday and we talked on discord for awhile then played Sea of Thieves. Gaming is a good start (if you like games anyway) because you both already have that game you both like. Really find a meet up spot for people that have the same hobby as you and you'll likely find more common ground. And the friendship grows from there.


JayGrym wrote

Reply to by !deleted18751

Why wait for a ban? Lol if you don't like the community here you can choose to go back to reddit