
GaldraChevaliere wrote

I'm absolutely positive I read one of those greentexts that totally happened and everybody clapped on /tg/ that had a nearly identical plot to OP's kink except the villain wanted to make a matriarchy where cis women ruled and trans women were used for breeding while men were eradicated and she was stopped by the heroic straight woman who totally sleeps with the storyteller and gave a one liner like "some of us prefer our dicks with men attached to them" before slaying her and like, that still somehow feels less weird and essentialist than this. Like not to kinkshame OP but you're being kind of a pisswizard and you could stand to hide it a little better.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted13453

Mouse didn't spend literally months harassing you, Ziq. But sure, he hates you more than the trand woman he stalked for a whole ass season. You still urged me to be way gentler than he deserved and if you suddenly care about temporality and that shit is different now than it was then, it blows a massive hole in this bullshit you're pulling with me considering you're weaponizing something I was working with Rose on and still had every right to resort to in that situation.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted13453

You have a weird fucking way of showing it, my darling. Quit playing the victim. Your own position has historically been that it's permissible to be aggressive towards fash and their enablers. If actively looking after transfems on the board and responding aggressively to people being hideous towards trans women and others enabling them is hypocritical, what's your behavior?


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted13453

I'd do what I did with you and call you on it, but then you got huffy and tried to act like a teenager was bullying your grown ass for a year and that justified the response that drove them off the site. I've shown you again and again how transmisogyny functions in spaces as a pressure valve and you continued to ignore it until things got as bad as they did for Clouds. Never mind that I dealt with the same shit for months from Mouse and you wanted me to go easy on him despite the age gap being a couple years and with significant class disparity.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted13453

  1. So you condone it in certain situations (and had significantly less issue then with that outcome than you do now, manipulative as always) but not in this one despite their commencement of the hostilities in the first place. That you supported it then and don't support it now that I'm not being nice to you is suss as fuck. And let's not pretend you care about the responsibilities of being an admin; it was like two weeks ago you abused your tag to push a joke way farther than it had to go bullying an underage user. Other thing about that situation is that they still were going to bat for cishets and trivializing rape, which in no way improves their position or the situation.

It's also funny that you bring it up considering it hasn't happened since, you condoned it at the time, and Rose had been helping me check myself from going straight for the throat like that even when people like this idiot deserved it. But you don't care about actual work getting done, you just care about what's suiting you in this opportunity. You're gonna do what you did when some highschooler disagreed with you and play victim.

  1. Literally everyone Clouds banned has been over transphobia, pardon me if she doesn't write out monographs on disposable troll accounts. Doing her job isn't abusing her position.

  2. It's not just because of Titan, it's because you have a history of permitting transmisogyny past the point that can be considered reasonable. I've always had to be the one to clean it up with Clouds or TW getting what I can't or I'm being too patient with myself. You've said to me yourself that "it's like you never want me to disagree with trans people" specifically because we've had this argument before about you letting shit slide or taking shit too far based on one or more parties in arguments being transfem.

  3. Nonbinary is still a wide ass umbrella that in no way makes you transmisogyny exempt. Will elaborate after clarification from n_n.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted8871 in by !deleted13453

They reduced the issue of corrective rape, using the age old tactic of "but what about male rape!!" to divorce it from its uniquely misogynistic, lesbophobic context and to make it an ace issue despite there being practically fucking nothing on numbers or accounts of it happening to ace people and the one account anyone was able to bring up in the theead was a situation of being assumed to be gay in the first place. Which, terrible as that is, is still an outburst of misogyny rather than aphobia.


GaldraChevaliere wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by !deleted8871 in by !deleted13453

More like We can match force with force and I am not obligated to give patience and understanding to tankies infiltrating queer spaces and trivializing rape and how it impacts queer women. Isn't it cute how you all cry ableism to win arguments because you don't have arguments of your own and you could be blown over like a dry leaf by the slightest show of hostility? Like please actually read Hot Allostatic Load. The ace brigade literally only pokes their heads in to do exactly what you're describing.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted13453

You yourself condoned it before, hon. I'm allowed to use the means at my disposal to deal with transphobes and homophobes where you won't.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by !deleted8871 in by !deleted13453

Moral weakness and spinelessness are a thing, champ. If I can deal with my own disabilities without using them as a weak gotcha argument, they're held to the same. Not to mention the actual context upthread is a user with a tankie post history co-opting the very real issue of corrective rape for a petty neo-identity that doesn't actually face signficant threat from it. If youe strongest argument is "we could be mistaken for queers!", you're not queer.


GaldraChevaliere wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by ziq in by !deleted13453

Lmao, you mean the times I told transphobes and biphobic acehets to off themselves that you were giving the benefit of the doubt to, in multiple cases while they were harassing other trans women? Pick better examples, I can be much more petty than protecting our own.

I quit because you demodded trans moderators for doing their job and then took forever to do it yourself, and because I don't want to be associated with you anymore. But given your abysmal track record for actually dealing with transmisogyny (and your utter inability to sort out your own, being nb doesn't mean you're any better than some transmasc or cis man when it comes to that specific issue), I had pretty good reason to figure that's where you were going with "I can call you much worse" because you didn't like that a transfem got mouthy with you.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by meo in Is Ace exclusion against TOS? by mofongo

So a wikipedia article is an authorative subject on queer issues and whether or not ace people are involved with them?

I have every reason not to stand with ace cishets because I have every reason not to stand with allo cishets. Acephobia isn't any kind of structural thing, it doesn't exist outside of "allo" LGBT folk not liking you very much because of your constant puritan moral grandstanding and cooption of lgbt causes. Come back when you lose your house over being ace.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

It isn't that you don't have the energy, it's that you're a liar and want to piggyback off of trans issues because you can't think of a single thing that actually consistently happens to ace people that isn't a direct consequence of misogyny.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Reply to comment by meo in Is Ace exclusion against TOS? by mofongo

Yo I've quit and stuff but popping my head in to point out that you're absolutely full of shit and words mean things. The LGBT is explicitly a coalition (and a shitty, dysfunctional, multiply oppressive one for a lot of embodiments already) to resist cisheteronormative oppression; by basic fucking definition you have to be materially oppressed by cisheteropatriarchy to be queer. Like newsflash trans women already don't trust trans men or cis lgb people for a variety of reasons; pointing out that they're shitty in no way makes ace cishets less shitty or dangerous to be around and is easily one of the most obnoxious things about ace discourse; the eternal willingness of inclusionists to weaponize the oppression trans and bi folk already face from within the community as a point of entry, while downplaying and diluting the meaning of terms we've used to describe our experiences and even using them directly against us. I've been called a trumed or a terf (which like, lmao) by cis aces more than by other trans women because I have a basic understanding of our class interests and don't buy it.
