
Bird wrote

I have felt this feeling many times, it has caused me to have chickens, quails, pigeons, ducks, peafowl, and emu over the years. Sometimes you just need to get the hell away from civilization for a while and live a less "developed" lifestyle.



Bird wrote

Feeling stir crazy, been somewhere with people a little too long. Working on fixing that.



Bird wrote (edited )

Reply to Things I hate today by ziq

Fruit on a tree all ripening at once I have mildly solved by growing heirloom varieties that I've "borrowed". So most of my trees yield fruit for several months now even if since most of them are quite small I only get about a dozen fruit a year. And I'm lucky that the property where I'm staying right now has several enormous 200+ year old nut trees that seem to have mast years every other year.

Oh yeah, fuck mini golf.



Bird wrote

Like many have said, leave that club. It really doesn't sound like you are deriving fulfillment from it. If what you want is to help people then if you can, do that, volunteer at things like soup kitchens and shelters and other community outreach opportunities, where the work you do will be much more likely to directly affect people to a positive effect instead of serving a bunch of assholes. Hopefully this is of any help, I've never had that much luck finding community in my area so I'm sort of talking out my ass and I apologize for that.



Bird wrote

Reply to Hello by aabbaabb

I can't say I've ever experienced that visual phenomenon.



Bird wrote (edited )

Reply to Friday free talk by kano

Suddenly and all at once nearly a dozen tasks I need to perform appeared and I really need to finish them by the end of the week or things will probably start not working, not ideal but I'll get them done. Other than that it's been a very quiet week for me, might start some fern cultures if I have time.



Bird wrote

Reply to comment by asterism in Friday free talk by kano

That's a shame on that front, but nice to hear that some things might be looking up for you! I hope all goes well and you end up happier for it.



Bird wrote

Reply to comment by lentils in Friday free talk by kano

I hope it goes well for you! In the right place and climate it can be very nice, especially if you have a hammock.



Bird wrote

Reply to comment by kin in Friday free talk by kano

I hallucinated violently and was extremely incoherent after my first and only time going under general anesthesia. Thought that a show on television was my real life and that the world had ended, a close friend had to console me for several hours about it, very weird experience.



Bird wrote

Reply to comment by NOISEBOB in Why are you still here? by HexBear

I made oyako don today, finally found some mirin and it really makes the dish.

My general rule is that most things are good 2 weeks minimum over the listed date. Except like milk



Bird wrote

Very rarely does hacking cause issues like that, and very rarely will some random person get hacked outside of downloading malware.

It is probably as many have said overheating, either that or the OS is being funky, or worst case an intermittent failure of some part of the circuitry.

So clean the heatsink, run whatever utilities your operating system has for checking integrity. If the problem persists, and if it's new enough, warranty it. If not and you are confident in taking it apart then check for loose connectors, obvious board damage, ect. If you want just to make sure, remove the heatsink and clean it thoroughly, replace it's thermal paste, and reaffix it, sometimes factory applications of thermal paste can be very poor. Hopefully any of this is of help.



Bird wrote (edited )

Interesting study. Have my crappy tldr. Apparently in nine banded armadillo (the natural host of leprosy whom it from this study seem to benefit from it in some ways) experience enhanced liver growth and repair in a reasonably controlled way that doesn't produce cirrhosis or other major issues. The growth appears tied to bacterial load in the infected creature's liver, it is hoped that this effect can be separated from the terrible neurological effects and used to treat liver disease in humans. As of yet no studies have been done on humans or human liver tissue to see if the effect is transferable.



Bird wrote

Preparing my greenhouse for sub zero temperatures and moving in some plants outside to protect them. Probably going to take all day to move and prepare about 150 kg ish of mulch to make the compost heat work so I don't have to run the expensive electric heat, at least as much throughout the winter.
