86944 wrote

This just illustrates why we need more dump loads and grid scale storage.

Current nuclear reactor designs don't actually conserve fuel when dialed back. They burn the same amount of uranium no matter what. And while we're not going to run out anytime soon it's still wasteful.

Hydro isn't always storage. Here in the US east most hydro dams lack a reservoir, so while you can dial them back. The water is going to flow whether the turbines are running or not and some of these plants can't run during the summer because of insufficient flow.


86944 wrote (edited )

This isn't as bad as it sounds. There's only so much transmission capacity available, especially in a residential neighborhood. They're not charging more than you save and the alternative, until the grid is upgraded, is to just block people from exporting entirely.

Making less money when energy is abundant is what happens to existing power plants anyway. Don't really see why residential solar should be exempt.


86944 wrote

I'm not vegan. I'm a strict vegetarian and avoid animal products whenever feasible but I digress.

I don't have a problem with being friends with meat eaters, so long as they're not obnoxious about my diet. I know very few vegetarians/vegans irl and many of them do so only for religious reasons. As for dating? Vegetarian or willing not to eat meat at home at the least. Dating pool is small enough around here as it is.