
11 results for

Submitted by reposter in AntiFascistAction

/r/libertarian is a [dystopian wasteland of actual Russian Agitprop]( and [Russian Memes]( * A persistent [Hate Brigade]( blights the community. * The subreddit is now a fully operational ... Great Prophecy, RightC0ast, and SamsLembas. **Who is RightC0ast?** RightC0ast is an authoritarian power mod and [propagandist]( He is the human most responsible the >!Totally Russian,!< [divisive and malicious propaganda /r/libertarian promotes ... front page of reddit]( He is one of reddit's most prominent [defenders of hate speech and racial slurs (NSFW)]( By Divine Right of Reddit Law, and the blessing


Submitted by PraetorianGuard14 in chapotraphouse, as well as [here]( The mods have also [targeted users]( with [modified posting fonts](, presumably as a way to mock them. [The mods have ... also joked about the current limitations in posting](, and have basically made hourly pinned posts in self-aggrandizement. While it is not r/socialism (yet), the mods are clearly lashing out because ... target "liberals." Hopefully, things will change, but the current trends aren't so promising. [Rebr0]( and [ZB4]( also have a history of sectarian and aggressive posting against "[liberals


reposter OP wrote

Aldebaran333 on discord]( and that RightC0ast [defends, and enables spammers and Hate Brigaders](, there is no evidence of collusion. * If r/libertarian mods have ~~physically removed~~ banned you for leftism ... authoritarianism and more](** \* **UPDATE II** \* * What are RightC0ast's [ties to Steve Bannon]( Did he work for Bannon during the Trump Campaign? Here's what rightC0ast says: > ["I worked ... with most these people directly"]( ^( [yes, seriously, read it in context - archive]( ) * r/LibertarianUncensored: r/libertarian MODLEAKS II * In the "Libertarian version of animal farm" new fashmods discuss


Submitted by RespectWomen in neoliberal

suffering abuse from women, [that’s an exaggeration.]( [It is definitely asymmetrical.]( >*Who defines Feminism, if not the academics who are teaching these bullshit, and debunked theories like ... Wage Gap?* I can’t comment on the Duluth Model, but [occidental patriarchy still exists]( and you aren’t going to find an abundance of sociologists who reject it any more than