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lettuceLeafer wrote (edited )

Idk, it just seems like u are limiting yourself. The person who wrote 5 rings was heavily influenced by zen and their life sure as hell wasn't boring. They would literally dual people like every 2 months.

Tbh I don't know much about zen so I can't say a ton. But a lot of Buddhism seems to be about rules do I heard people who study zen often like the taoist parts but feel stifled about the Buddhist parts. Maybe u are letting the rules n Buddhist stuff from zen bother u.

Tho I think if ur feeling bored u might be missing the point. Bc I get the vibe that zen is about thinking in a way outside of boredom. Idk, I do many exciting things but outside of the more stereotypical excitement I find great enjoyment in meditation and just sitting outside watching the world. Even basic stuff is so complex that just noticing life and watching is fascinating.

If zen isn't doing anything its totally cool to just drop it. Tho idk, your feelings seem to be very different from my experiences with stuff similar to zen