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[deleted] wrote

Reply to comment by masque in by !deleted8217


masque wrote

While "I've moved on in my thinking" was certainly her defense for some specific tweets, I thought she laid out a strong argument that accusations of being "truscum" (or, more specifically, transmedicalist and/or NB-phobic) were simply not well founded, and directly contradicted by the viewpoints expressed laboriously in her previous videos. For these broader accusations, she didn't give an apology because she simply (and, I think, correctly) claims that the idea of her being transmed/NB-phobic was never accurate in the first place.

The defense of "just because some people were hurt doesn't necessarily mean I did something wrong" with respect to Buck Angel certainly feels a bit off on some visceral level, but I don't have the first-hand experience in the community to understand this aspect of things in as much depth. I only popped into this thread because I've always been surprised by the accusations of her being transmedicalist or NB-phobic (I say this as a questioning-but-probably-NB-leaning-at-this-point person myself), since it seems to reflect a very poor interpretation of her videos, and that combined with the meta-nature of the video made me feel like I should at least make an effort to engage.


enforcedcompliance wrote

Lol, imagine telling me not to patronize a YouTube channel by patronizing me. 😂😂😂😂


masque wrote (edited )

I'm very sorry if my comment came across as patronizing. That was not my intent.

EDIT: Sorry, that was a bad apology. Allow me to rephrase: I'm sorry that I wrote my comment in a patronizing way. I will try to avoid that in the future, although I admit that it's still not clear to me what the correct way to express this disagreement would have been.

EDIT2: Wait, I just realized that my use of the word "patronize" in my original comment had an unintended & accusatory double meaning. I'll add an edit to that comment as well.


enforcedcompliance wrote

EDIT2: I just noticed that as well, sorry. 😋 But my mind isn't changing. She's just another youtuber looking for views and will back track on anything to keep views coming in.