Submitted by mockingjanthony in theory

"In philosophy and gender studies, some theorists, notably Jacques Derrida and Judith Butler, have argued that even commonplace communication and speech acts are performative, in that they serve to define and maintain identity."

talking about anarchism, movement things, promoting and sharing anarchist movement topics, information, news, imagery of anarchist rebellion, and paying verbal respect to the acts of anarchist militants on the ground, even if we are critical of details, are all aspects of performative anarchism.

they are not necissarily the revolution, or anarchist in and of themselves, but they are active contributors to what it means to be an anarchist, or what it means to do anarchism, and in turn, what anarchism is and has to offer, anarchists as well as other peoples whome anarchists encounter and engage with daily.

how do we talk about anarchism and movement things, how do we promote and share anarchist movement topics, information, news, what kind of imagery of anarchist rebellion and how do we present it, and how do we pay verbal respect to the acts of anarchist militants, even when we are critical about details of their actions, in such a way that is meaningful to us as evolving anarchists, our identities as anarchists, and people, identities that inform our day to day work, mindset, world view, relationships, attitudes, behaviors, etc, in such a way that also communicates to others, anarchists and non anarchists alike, what we mean when we say "anarchism" doesn't just represent a world we would like to live in, and hypotheses about, or reference aspects of things we have seen or know exist somewhere, but also lives, acts, reinforces, the world the relationships, in the here and now, in the micro-interactions we have on a daily bassis(with ourselves in forming identities and values, others in forming relationships and working together on things) and is this working? are we getting what we need to develop "anarchist" identities, are we communicating effectively what it means to be anarchist, are we doing anarchism well? if so, how, if not, what would that look like? what needs changing?



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Pop wrote

I don't really understand how performativity fits in with the rest of the stuff you've said or what you mean by performative anarchism


mockingjanthony OP wrote

ok. not sure what to do about that. i don't understand this stuff 100% either.