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cute wrote

did you have to post it three times lol


Joseph_Asimeng_39 OP wrote (edited ) not really. unless if you are talking about 2 other memes with this one then thats a whole different story. aside from that u being mad mf vague


cute wrote

woah wtf


Joseph_Asimeng_39 OP wrote

nah i'm just saying. sorry if i offended u. i was just tryna get attention.


[deleted] wrote


Joseph_Asimeng_39 OP wrote

thanks but all three memes have some different words in them. so its really not the same to put in through ur thickskull


cute wrote

Nah you aren't even close to being offended. Why would you want attention though, are you okay?


Joseph_Asimeng_39 OP wrote

oh ofc im okay. and before u was like whoa wtf. i thought u was being offended by me. i wanted attention cuz sometimes i get that, other times i don't. i just wanted it mostly. not all the time. sounds weird but still.