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Dirtbagleftist wrote (edited )

Disturbed's frontman, Dave Draiman is/was apparently a supporter of Gamergate.


Fossidarity OP wrote (edited )

I also read in this reddit thread that Fortresse, Csjethe, Hate Forest, Drudkh & Nokturnal Mortum should also be avoided.


queue wrote

IIRC, Megadeath has some issues with Obama. Not the critical kind with "oh he's a capitalist pig" and so on, but in the fact that he's black.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


DissidentRage wrote

IIRC in his younger days he would get up on stage with a swastika shirt. He probably was being "ironic" about that but he seemed to otherwise have left-lib politics up through the mid-90s making his video for "99 Ways to Die" basically an extended political ad for gun control. After that it was downhill. I remember him remarking that Bush (while in office) wasn't tough enough on the Middle East.