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lettuceLeafer wrote

I vote yes to exile lettuceLeafer and ziq. I order everyone to vote yes so then I can ignore the Democratic vote and prove how usefulless democracy is by not getting exiled despite having consensus for exile.


[deleted] wrote


lettuceLeafer wrote (edited )

This is a lettuceLeafertocracy so I convert your no vote into a yes.


[deleted] wrote


lettuceLeafer wrote

I'll give u some of my hundreds of alt accounts. U then change the name to the user to vote manipulate. I then use my iron fist mod power to remove any vote showing no. Then u use your spoofed account to add them saying yes.

Maybe tankies will like me now bc this is like the highest level of praxis a tankies can do. Being a vanguard to take over web forums.


[deleted] wrote


lettuceLeafer wrote

Yeah I think my plan to rule with an iron dictitorial fist to oust myself is a foolproof plan.