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comrade_pikachu OP wrote (edited )

f/history for supporting fascism

LOL! You know you have communists to thank for literally ending fascism in Europe, right?

f/anarchism for ableism

Oh please, give it a rest will you? "Simpleton" is hardly a slur. In the very same post an anarchist used the word and no one even blinked:

"Erm, no. They're anarcho-communists, not anarcho-simpletons."


And why is that, you ask? Because I wasn't banned for so-called "ableism", I was banned for BEING A COMMUNIST. I exposed ziq's ugly primitivist rhetoric and I was instantly banned for it!

f/communism for massacre denial

I just posted a news article!!


ziq wrote (edited )

You were mainly banned because I don't want tankies shitting up f/anarchism with genocide apologism, crocodile-tears and "left-unity" pleas, but the ableism didn't do you any favors.

I consider tankies to be just as dangerous as nazis.


ziq wrote

I think I'm just going to ban all tankies from the anarchist forums from now on after seeing just how many ancons you losers manage to sucker with your entryism.