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skoonat wrote

I'm not sure that it does.


AlexanderReidRoss wrote

You one of em?


[deleted] wrote (edited )


skoonat wrote

That's quite an accusation.


BlackFlagged wrote

Will you fuck off?


skoonat wrote

Tell you what. Let's see what happens at the start of the business day on the west coast today, Monday, and we'll go from there, alright pal?


ziq OP wrote

Shit all. Go back to voat, boy.


skoonat wrote

Secret is, your doxx sub isn't even the real problem you're going to have with eNom anymore. There's federal crimes afoot now big guy. Good luck with that.


ziq OP wrote

oh noes, not federal crimes!!

What a fucking joke.


skoonat wrote

Also, what is voat? Never heard of it.


BlackFlagged wrote

Yeah they're too childish to keep it to themselves. Blabbing about it all over voat like they've accomplished something.


skoonat wrote

One of them? What makes you think there's more than one?
