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[deleted] wrote


ziq OP wrote (edited )

I think f/shoplifting is a completely different crowd than the rest of the site and there's no way a social justice bot made for the f/anarchism crowd can also work on a liberal / apolitical forum. f/shoplifting would need their own bot that would only pop up when tos-violating slurs like "retard" and "cunt" or worse are used. They're not going to stop saying "dumbass" and "blindspot" no matter how many times the bot tells them to. They're not here to work on their politics.


LanguageBot wrote

I've noticed you used the ableist word "dumb" in your comment, please refrain from doing so.
Consider instead: dense, ignorant, lacks understanding, impulsive, risk-taker, uninformed, silly, foolish (to replace metaphor); nonspeaking, nonverbal, person with a speech impairment, person with a cognitive disability, Deaf person, hard of hearing person (to refer to a Deaf or disabled person)

Discussion about the words here.

ziq OP wrote

This bot needs a lot of work still.


Fossidarity wrote

This happens when it's banned, I really need to fix that but I don't have time for that today I'm afraid.