Submitted by ziq in meta (edited )



100% the same person, some clown who thinks they're pushing our buttons by posting shitty corporate pro-colonisation articles in the decolonisation forum.

Probably /u/iwarnedyou too.

And while we're at it, ban the spambot /u/ci3, and whatever other accounts it makes after you ban it. I can't stand that bot - I'm pretty sure it's some kind of false flag to make us so sick of anti-American rhetoric that we start to not hate America.



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Kylie_J wrote (edited )

Trig Warn:



I've been mass downvoting him to keep him off the front page, but useless shitlords like this are persistent because they have nothing better to do with their time. It's very sad, really.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

Dealt with pretty much all of it. Have had a big day so haven't given the space the attention I usually do. If people want to assist with this type of thing, it's useful to become moderators for whatever forums you are interested in.


GrimWillow wrote

I'm pretty sure it's some kind of false flag to make us so sick of anti-American rhetoric that we start to not hate America.

Looks to me like it's pushing "free speech" pretty hard. Free-speechers always confuse me, because if they actually cared about free speech, they would recognize the destruction of PoC speech throughout history and today.

Also they push gun rights, which is really similar to the "free speech" thing since these same people never talk about how the NRA supported guns being taken away from the Black Panthers.

Gun rights and free speech for who? The answer is obvious when the bot also presents the idea that "illegal immigrants" are an unaddressed issue without seeing how the colonization of Turtle Island would be considered "illegal immigrants" by the terms of those who have lived there for thousands of years prior.

I think they should be banned for propagating such harmful slime.