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leftous wrote

Cool, I like their contributions


ziq OP wrote (edited )

When the site was being spammed by 8chan, I made a proposal asking if I could give site-wide spam-busting capabilities to a few people to deal with the brigade.

We chose Shining because she's in a much different time zone than me and emma while still not being in the US. And also because she contributed so much to the site with her theme work.

So she's not technically an admin. Spambuster was meant to be a rotating position - but the spam stopped so there was no need to add others.

We can always revisit it if people feel it's warranted.

Tequila is a permanent addition to the admin team and so is on the f/meta mod list and will be listed in the admin list in the ToS.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

They're not an American. Like the ToS says - we won't ever add an American to the admin team because they can be served secret court orders to snitch.

Admins uphold the terms of service, approve new users*, delete spam / ban spammers site-wide, make announcements, moderate f/meta and perform whatever functions people vote for here.

So e.g. if someone proposes an addition to the ToS be made - like the no porn rule we added - an admin tallies the votes and adds it to the wiki if it passes.

*New users need to be manually set as trusted so that they can post more than 3 times an hour. An admin needs to click a button to approve them. After the button is clicked, their IP address is purged and never stored again. If they're a spammer, the admin IP bans them instead of approving them as trusted.

EDIT: pronoun


ziq OP wrote

Yeah, both me and emma have server access. She uses it to push Postmill updates to the site, I just have it because I pay the bills. There's no reason to give anyone else server access in the future - unless emma stops being the sys admin / lead developer.


Cosmicsloth42 wrote

Wait, they wern't on the admin team already? Well it's about time! Congrats!


ziq OP wrote (edited )

This is the transparency thread. If enough people objected it would be undone. Every action we take can be reversed by popular vote.


jaidedctrl wrote

Heck yea, Tequila_Wolf's a great choice! They're rad as hell.


somedeepshit wrote

You kidding me? Tequila_Wolf and ziq are promoting all the Democratic (as in the American political party) agenta. They probably get paid by the same boss. I won't be surprised if they work at the same office !

Which speaks volumes of the purpose of raddle.

And also shows how desperate the capitalist Goebbelists are. They'll hire any amateur that knocks on their door !

On the other hand, if you keep on felling for their constant lies, again and again... well... sorry... but, you deserve them...