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SpiritOfTito wrote (edited )

Stalin absolutely was a communist. The problem was he was committed to it by any means necessary and understood the globe (having lived through two world wars) as geopolitical rivalries.

He wasn't a good one though and I'm not a fan of his authortarianism.

Why did the vanguard states fail? Within weeks of Castro coming to power the cia imported African swineflu into Cuba that had never been seen before on the continent and Cuba had to slaughter 500,000 pigs. Thats aside from their bombing of food production facilities and endless assassination attempts.(1. Killing hope, william blum).

Hell look at Chile where a marxist got into power via the ballot (so no vanguard there!after years of sabotage and millions of dollars in propaganda and what happened to fhe democratically elected Allende? Killed by airstrikes in the presidential palace then Pinochet shaking hands with the CIA and assuming power who then takes death squads through the country side after purging all the democratically elected communists and socialists.

Or Greece who were told "fuck your constitution and fuck your democracy" by the US ambassador when it looked like they may elect a leader that wanted leftist policies and possible turn to the east. He was shortly overthrown and again death squads and torture for those that supported the government deposed by the US. Alongside an absolute purge of communists (elected btw) from the government.

Or italy 1948.

You're praxis is shit, your history ahistorical and revisionist so I guess I'm glad you're banned. But i don't think you should be for holodomor questioning or anti stalinism