Submitted by southerntofu in meta

Just dropping by to say even though i'm not so active around here i'm still reading and enjoying the debates over here (compared to much of the internet), and i certainly still love the memes.

hope you're doing ok in spite of the newborns and the troubling realization that most women only ever date straight men

/me preparing for weird debates about me calling raddle a "factory" :P :P :P



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ziq wrote (edited )

Why do u prefer the company of lemmy tanks to us?


southerntofu OP wrote

It's not exactly that i prefer people over there, but:

  • i'm a bit of a masochist and like to have arguments with people who aren't necessarily convinced (i'm also active on HN) instead of "preaching my chapel" ; got enough anarchists around me AFK that i don't need online comfort :)
  • there's not exactly a majority of tankies left on Lemmy... they're mostly on (not on and since Russia invaded Ukraine they've somewhat lost their political credibility... it seems nowadays there's a lot of green liberals and various kinds of leftist anarchists at least from what i see (the debates are not as profound and lively as here, but there's not so much "private joke" vibe and i appreciate that)
  • there's a lot of FLOSS talk there, and i'm also an IT person (well we all have our contradictions right?) ... IT from an anarchist perspective is important for me and there's quite a bunch of likeminded people in the fediverse (of which lemmy is a part)
  • as much as i like the enlightened dictatorship around here, i'm still very skeptical of centralized communities.. as simply failing to pay a bill from the admins (you or emma) could lead to the entire community disappearing practically overnight

Still, strong bonus points for Raddle:

  • strict anti-tankie policy: antifascism for real, not just a moral posture against nazi symbolism
  • much better web interface (lemmy requires buggy javascript.. why?! <3 emma for making postmill so nice)
  • much saner meme culture (though wtf with these "virgin/chad" memes lately?!?!?! i don't understand how that gets past the self-organized politburo ;))

In the past i've talked with some people about creating an anarchist network of Lemmy instances (maybe one per language?). maybe some day we find the time to do it...

hope i answered your question


hole_a_dig wrote

decentralized, your site is more centralized than Stalin gulag management


Fool wrote

I prefer screaming into the void at a small community void.

A larger void just wouldn't feel so meaningful, and personal.


moonlune wrote (edited )

The 🐿️prophet🐿️ has spoken:

🐿️Scream into small voids🐿️


Fool wrote

most women only ever date straight men

There's not really enough gay men for most women get a chance to be beards


southerntofu OP wrote

Don't worry. Our LGBT plot is advancing its agenda. Soon all cis men will be gay! /s

(still thanks for the wikipedia link i had no idea about this word in english despite being familiar with the concept)