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KillYourCiv wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by !deleted23972 in by !deleted30

So is the violence and exploitation experienced by sex workers in porn somehow "irrelevant"? Could read again what I wrote?


[deleted] wrote


KillYourCiv wrote (edited )

Anti-queer? WTF? If something, majority of porn is anti-queer. The representations of transpeople in it are simply horrible and transphobic. And I wouldn't call average lesbian or gay porn especially queer friendly or unproblematic. So-called queer porn is mostly made for male gaze and for straight pervs who have some disgusting fetish towards lesbians and transwomen.

I can take almost any insult that has been thrown here against me without any reason, but saying that I am anti-queer is crossing a line. You made me hate you. Are you happy now? Fuck you and everybody else here. This place is shit and full people defending sexism and abuse of women.


emma wrote

good job making this entire thread about your personal redemption story or whatever

This place is shit and full people defending sexism and abuse of women.

There's only one of you, like you've admitted to being a serial wanker and stated in no uncertain terms that the desire to watch porn is the desire to see women abused. Here's hoping you get vga cables for christmas since you wanna keep projecting so hard. What you haven't done is take any responsibility for you seeking out this material on your own accord, and instead suggested porn performers could just leave the industry to make the problem (your problem) go away, never acknowledging what harm walking away from their income--possibly the only one that would gain them any upward social mobility--would cause.