Submitted by nar in meta

I was looking at the warrant canary and it said that has not received any gag orders. Since raddle is fully hosted in the Netherlands, how is the american FBI even supposed to request any of these orders?



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ziq wrote (edited )

they can't

I've always said the warrant canary is pointless since the US gov has no ability to issue me with gag orders (and we don't collect or retain any private data), but the annoying American tech nerds who were the early adopters on this site (and later all fucked off to lemmy) made me do one anyway

now i'm stuck having to remember to sign the damn thing every month forever

you're prob the first person who's actually looked at it for years

I even signed it a couple days late this month because I forgot and no one noticed


keez wrote

I even signed it a couple days late this month because I forgot and no one noticed

You monster


ziq wrote

3 years ago I was late for work on the first day of the month, so I couldn't sign it until I got home, and the nerds freaked out and started telling everyone to abandon the site. I had to leave work early to go home and sign it.

It was infuriating because I only ever committed to sign it "the first week of the month", to give my self 7 days to get around to it, but if it wasn't signed by midnight on the 1st (USA time, of course) every month, the nerds would immediately insist the site was now US federal property.


keez wrote (edited )

Lmao wtf

I feel for you

I'd be pretty ziq of signing a stupid document every month for eternity because of some nerds thinks it makes a difference to the ones seizing the site. I mean, the police in Australia kept posting videos of child abuse to a darknet site to catch more people. They don't give a shit.


nar OP wrote

wtf? I feel sad for you. I mean, there's probably a higher chance of the GCHQ taking over raddle than the NSA.


emma wrote

I always thought the idea that the government couldn't compel you into signing a warrant canary was bunk anyway, like do you even realise how little a spanner costs?


nar OP wrote

they can't

I've always said the warrant canary is pointless since the US gov has no ability to issue me with gag orders (and we don't collect or retain any private data), but the annoying American tech nerds who were the early adopters on this site (and later all fucked off to lemmy) made me do one anyway

Since they all fucked off to lemmy, I guess you could just tell the community that you're getting rid of it (on second thought, some people might think it means you received a gag order.)

now i'm stuck having to remember to sign the damn thing every month forever

i can imagine

you're prob the first person who's actually looked at it for years

ok lol

I even signed it a couple days late this month because I forgot and no one noticed

I had to re-check and I noticed that you did sign it 2 days late. When I was reading the signature for the first time I probably just glanced over where it said October 2020 and that was good enough for me.


masque wrote

Is there even any legal precedent supporting the idea that warrant canaries work the way they're supposed to?

I mean, the explicit stated purpose of a warrant canary is to convey information about whether you've received a gag order. Deliberately not updating the canary constitutes a deliberate act of letting people know that you've received a gag order. It seems that if the court can order you not to tell anyone that information, it probably doesn't legally matter what the exact mechanism by which you convey the information is.

Has any court in the US actually upheld the idea that a court cannot require you to continue updating the canary as though nothing has happened?


[deleted] wrote


keez wrote

Well then the ones who seize can just let it run


celebratedrecluse wrote

Couldn't the netherlands, or EU, or interpol, also issue similar orders to the USA, or mainland china, or russia, or any other country?


nar OP wrote

I don't think so. The company doesn't have to comply with the order.


celebratedrecluse wrote

the EU does not have, a system for legal orders on internet companies? I think i was mistaken and believed this.


nar OP wrote

They do, but gag orders forbid the company from telling their users that the company has received said order.


celebratedrecluse wrote

so in EU, there are no gag orders, just other kinds of legal orders?


nar OP wrote

I'm not sure, but that's what I think.