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blog wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by ziq in Black army = kulaks by Ioseb

I was referring to Ukrainian workers inside the Free Territory -- the RSFSR was under a different economic policy and was not affected by the hyperinflation induced inside the Free Territory by the policy that all money is legal tender.

Workers inside the RSFSR faced a whole other set of problems but that doesn't make the Makhnovschina beyond reproach.

Anarchists gonna... be incredibly reductive and call everyone who criticizes them fascists


ziq wrote

The mistake you're making is thinking I give a shit about the economy. If you want to abolish money, you strip it of all its value.


blog wrote

What you don't give a shit about is people affected by these destructive and short-sighted policies.


ziq wrote (edited )

you're right about that

they've been dead for 100 years

and btw anarchy isn't a policy, it's permanent fight against / rejection of policies. you need authority to dictate policy.

when you're fighting the machinations of hierarchy, you don't stop to ask "but what if these factory workers won't be able to buy as much stuff now?" that's how you keep capitalism alive

but you know all about that as an ML

burn the factory down and liberate the workers from their chains


blog wrote (edited )


[ various proclamations ]

  1. Soviet and Ukrainian money must be accepted equally with other monies. Those guilty of violation of this are subject to revolutionary punishment.

The Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine ABSOLUTELY imposed monetary policy on people in the Free Territory. You could argue they weren't properly anarchist but you haven't gone there yet. So far all you've done is called Ukrainian workers tankies in response to this criticism.

Not imposing policies would have meant saying people could have accepted or declined any currency, or equivalently, not legislating monetary policy. Instead they declared all money was equally good -- and if you didn't go along with it.... an army would subject you to revolutionary punishment.

The result of this legislation was hyperinflation because you weren't free to turn down any money.

EDIT The Revolutionary Insurrectionary Army of Ukraine didn't burn the factories down
