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[deleted] wrote

Reply to comment by sudo in This liberal just inspired me by ziq


sudo wrote

And what is the yacht supposed to represent in this meme? Society? If anyone wants to destroy human society as a whole, then that person is so far gone that I have nothing to say to them.


[deleted] wrote


sudo wrote

If that's what they intended, then it's not well communicated in the image at all. I assumed that the boat represented society, the person on the front of the boat represented the bourgeoisie, and the person on the back represented the proletariat. I assumed the meme was saying something along the lines of "socialists just want to make everyone equally poor", hence my criticism. But apparently this isn't an analogy at all, ziq literally just wants to sink some yachts. Okay then.


[deleted] wrote


sudo wrote

Oh, so the original was just a reactionary meme, and the text on the bottom was supposed to be an addendum to respond to the reactionary meme? Well, that was not clear at all.


[deleted] wrote


sudo wrote

It is now, since I know what to look for. But it wasn't at first. Most people don't pay much attention to the font and color of the text they're reading, and I wasn't when I was reading it, so it didn't register that the bottom text was supposed to be in response to the top text. I assumed ziq wrote the whole thing. The top part pissed me off, and the bottom part seemed like a non-sequitur. If they had put the bottom text outside of the original image, like on a white border, instead of putting it over the original image, then it might have been more intuitive that it was supposed to be a response.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

And what is the yacht supposed to represent in this meme?

A yacht. Sink all the yachts. Sink all bourgie affluence.


ziq OP wrote


[deleted] wrote


ziq OP wrote

knowing what they've said in the past about anarchists being useless arsonists and stuff, I doubt it.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


ziq OP wrote

I mean, I'm clearly no ultra, so I just assumed they were calling me a rightwing reactionary.