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ziq OP wrote (edited )

They deleted an anti-transhumanist meme I made that they apparently didn't find funny, and a comment I made (in a reply to myself) that they decided 'adds nothing to the convo and is antagonistic' (on a fucking meme forum).

Fuck this power tripping.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

Since I created that forum, it's the only meme forum with subscribers, and they're breaking the ToS with their shitty modding, no.

The meme had nothing to do with anticiv and the anticiv forum isn't a meme forum.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

Mods have no power other than the power the users grant them. They step out of line, they get removed. The ToS is clear about this.

Your argument is basically 'let mods ignore the tos and treat major forums like their own personal blogs". I don't give a shit that they don't find my meme funny, I spent time making it and they have no power to delete it when it's not breaking any rules.

f/memer is not their private property.


____deleted____ moderator wrote (edited )

They deleted an anti-transhumanist meme I made that they apparently didn't find funny

The definition of 'funny' is objectively subjective (funny term) and it is not anything I could describe as a meme other than 'has impact text'. If that's the only requirement, I could post any political statement in the form of an image with impact text and claim it met the requirements.

In the comment, I literally asked for you to explain why I shouldn't delete it, waited over a day, then deleted it.

adds nothing to the convo and is antagonistic' (on a fucking meme forum)

That doesn't mean you should be overly antagonistic without any provocation within the thread whatsoever, in a reply to... your own comment. However- I should not have deleted the comment. I will refrain from deleting similar cases in the future.


ziq OP wrote

There is no rule on that forum saying 'Belsima can delete anything they don't like' and if they made that rule without consulting the community that would also be grounds for demodding.

If you get your way, I'll request to be be modded on f/communism and delete everything I don't like


ziq OP wrote (edited )

I don't need to explain my opinions to your royal modness.

I couldn't care less if you find my memes funny. I don't make them to entertain you.


____deleted____ moderator wrote

The rule does say non-meme content may be deleted, and 'political opinion demonstrated via impact text' does not qualify as a meme so far as I am aware.


____deleted____ moderator wrote

I didn't find that one to be a meme. If I cared to censor you, I would have deleted plenty of others- which I disagree with to a further extent. That specific one looked to me to just be you expressing an opinion through impact text with not even a vague attempt at humor under it.


____deleted____ moderator wrote

Then I will delete content that doesn't seem to be a 'meme' to me. If there is no line to be drawn, it is not possible to viably enforce the only subraddle rule; that is, do not post non-meme or non-humorous content.


ziq OP wrote

No they don't. This site is run by anarchist principles. This isn't reddit where the mods have no accountability. Furthermore, I actually contribute a ton to that forum, what gives them authority over people that actually make the memes?

This is some liberal bullshit.


____deleted____ moderator wrote

I will ask one simple question; if you will not justify the post as a meme in any way or give a definition of 'meme', how is any moderator meant to viably enforce the one rule in the sidebar? Or is the fact that you 'don't answer to me' (you don't and don't need to) meant to mean that I should simply allow all posts to stand that violate this rule and re-establish this as a general content subraddle, otherwise facing demodding?

I could put any political opinion I want on a relevant image with impact text (like that shitty whisper app made specifically to do that) but that doesn't immediately qualify it as a meme.


ziq OP wrote

You are not an authority on memes. You are not an authority on radical politics. You are not the judge of my creative output. I do not answer to you. I do not respect you. You are a bigot.


____deleted____ moderator wrote

I do not respect you, and you are not an authority on memes either. It would seem, then, that this is simply a butting of heads with no actual basis either way.


ziq OP wrote

I'm not deleting your memes and comments and demanding you explain humor to me shitbag, so you don't need to respect me. I'm not posing as a fucking authority.


ziq OP wrote (edited )

As long as I'm on this site, mods will be held accountable for censoring people because they don't like their politics.

You sound like a reactionary telling me to leave the country if I don't like the president. This has nothing to do with freedom of association. It's a power tripping mod that presents themselves as the authority on what makes a good meme and abuses their community-granted power to delete original content when they contribute nothing themself.

If you don't think the users should have any say in how the site is run, and shouldn't be able to complain when they're being censored for no reason, then maybe you're on the wrong site.


elyersio wrote

I thought this was a meme. But it's just a flamewar ;-;


ziq_is_ruining_everything wrote (edited )

ziq never learns from his mistakes, always provokes drama, disputes, division, ... this isn't the type of person to lead and unite such a community. And I even found him doing vote manipulation with a bunch of articles when participation on this site went to low. Just look at the fate of /f/megalinks for yourself... I understand now why so many people left especially after ziq finally disclosed his "power grips" (i.e. using alts to provoke controversy). Look at what type of "power grips" he employs:

Watch me get modded on every forum you post on and delete every shitty bigotted liberal comment you make.

Good riddance raddle, Postmill is fantastic software and I'm looking forward to try other postmill instances other than this one. By the way does anyone know such a Postmill based instance? I've seen one but I can't remember its name.

ziq: corrected typo


Fossidarity moderator wrote

Locked the thread, I de-modded Belsima at their request. Please continue the discussion in a new thread in /f/mediation if necessary.