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ziq_is_ruining_everything wrote (edited )

ziq never learns from his mistakes, always provokes drama, disputes, division, ... this isn't the type of person to lead and unite such a community. And I even found him doing vote manipulation with a bunch of articles when participation on this site went to low. Just look at the fate of /f/megalinks for yourself... I understand now why so many people left especially after ziq finally disclosed his "power grips" (i.e. using alts to provoke controversy). Look at what type of "power grips" he employs:

Watch me get modded on every forum you post on and delete every shitty bigotted liberal comment you make.

Good riddance raddle, Postmill is fantastic software and I'm looking forward to try other postmill instances other than this one. By the way does anyone know such a Postmill based instance? I've seen one but I can't remember its name.

ziq: corrected typo