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[deleted] wrote

Reply to comment by 365degrees in isn't ______ just ______? by 365degrees


365degrees OP wrote

That's hardly a reliable source. The only thing I could trust an anprim to do is sugarcoat the bullshittery they're going to get everyone in.


[deleted] wrote


____deleted____ wrote

i mean personally i wouldnt waste time reading an ideology id immediately dismiss

i havent read mein kampf but im not a fan of hitler; reading someones own books about the ideology is generally a waste of time unless you already have some interest in it


[deleted] wrote (edited )


____deleted____ wrote

oh yeah ive put basic reading into most things but if you tell me to read the book of, say, Lenin, ill tell you to eat my ass because ill never take leninism into consideration

at least reading the fuckin wikipedia page is important but reading entire books is a waste of time


GrimWillow wrote

While I agree with you about not needing to read everything, I wouldn't condemn the person for it unless they started spreading misinfo about subjects they never read about...while maintaining an obstinate refusal to even acknowledge that it's misinfo when called on their shit by those who have actually read something...