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[deleted] wrote (edited )


LucyParsonsRocks wrote

This is going to be a bloodbath...

I think I'm going to stay away for a couple of days until you've been hanged, drawn and quartered.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

I think it'd be pretty cool if you posted this stuff together links to good readings on the topic if you know any, especially for those who aren't familiar with the critiques you're drawing from.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


ziq wrote (edited )

I had this infernal debate on reddit countless times. It always hits a particularly offputting note when I bring up that the raw materials to create advanced tech need to be extracted from Africa. The replies I always get are staggeringly obtuse. "Africans will want to mine the texh if they get equal access to it" and "I'll just go to Africa and mine the materials for my tech myself"...


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

I was thinking critiques of technology in general. But I'm pretty confident that when transhumanism became a thing a few years back there was a huge amount of debate from west coast anticiv people and some of them must have written something.


[deleted] wrote (edited )


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote (edited )

I used to listen to what was then Bellamy and Rydra's Free Radical Radio podcast some years ago, and they spoke of it often.

Here's one related article:

And an interview from around the time period that all the discussion I'm thinking of was happening:

Edit: there'll be more if you search Free Radical Radio and transhumanism.