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fewch wrote

Reply to comment by Tecate_Coyote in Incel Criterion Pack by kin

all of them revolve around White Pathologized Outcast Fantasizing About Violence Directed By A Dude with the exception of American Psycho, which is still under the White Woman Pretense category, and even then you still get the Haunted Violent Guy Spiritually Self Immolates trope happening.

not one of these movies spends more than ten minutes on a viewpoint that challenges their POV character. they're interchangeable shlock for dweebs masquerading as morality plays while finding a convenient pearl-clutching excuse for the audience to passively participate in their protagonist's behavior.


Tecate_Coyote wrote

Right, I totally get what you're saying. But I don't think it is mutually exclusive that these can be good movies and be, if I may quote you, "Outcast Fantasizing About Violence" masturbatory movies. Like junk food media almost.