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d4rk wrote (edited )

Reply to comment by !deleted30 in somehow by ziq

nah i just agree with the premise generally, I'm an Anti-Fascist, thats bedrock.


[deleted] wrote


d4rk wrote (edited )

a general statement doesn't exactly need an explanation, there's no other call out here. to point out one thing saying i'm calling out another when I'm just being in total agreement with a general statement in isolation is really iffy in itself.

It's just mongering to continue on this line of "no matter what identity" and then calling out another post or comment over another thread, I'm thinking the anfaq should have a link to the post after this now should they? This post, this comment is the general meaning of the general statement "Fascists no matter what identity do not deserve platforms"

there would be no better way to saywhat i see is clearly happening here than this
