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celebratedrecluse wrote

I'm a tankie AMA


zddy wrote

Do tankies wear tanktops?


celebratedrecluse wrote

of course, that's what I meant. Wait, you think i want to kill my political opponents? I would never do that to my long-sleeved turtle-necked sisters.


TinyOrangeTurtle OP wrote

do you take offense to the term tankie, what is your opinion on anarchism, and what is your opinion on left unity


celebratedrecluse wrote

no, it's really funny, the dimunitatization of brutal repression to the "-ie" suffix is one of the great jokes of the 20th century. as a comedian i have to say, yes, this is pretty fun.

i think anarchism is the worst, because i'm a good anarch and have no affinity with isms.

left unity? Left of what, for starters! Let's not take wings on the undead penguin!!!


GlangSnorrisson wrote

Great graphic lmao. If you want a look at how tankies fare here you can always check out some of the brigades of this site in f/lobby.

There’s also f/tankiesgonnatank if you find some good tankie content to make fun of. Or want to make fun of them yourself.