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Bezotcovschina OP wrote

Reply to comment by geegaw in [OC] Tankie yoda by Bezotcovschina

Holodomor and other man-made famines (for one example, Kazakh) comes to mind first.

Second - a lot of forced deportations like this, this, this, this and much, much more.

And, yes, russification.


geegaw wrote

The USSR is hardly the only guilty party in the famines of 1932-33. To call them genocides is inaccurate, unless you can say that Kazakhs and Ukrainians were purposefully targeted for being Kazakhs and Ukrainians.

The rapid industrialization, that could be said to be the real cause of the famines besides the drought, does seem to have been a.. not so optimal move. On the other hand, that industry was put to good use crushing the Nazis a decade later. What do you think? What would you have done?

The russification efforts and related deportations on the other hand seem completely arbitrary and unjustifiable.


Bezotcovschina OP wrote (edited )

I don't want to argue over genocide definition here, but I firmly believe USSR was the only guilty party during the famines. Me, personally, don't think Kazakhs were targeted purposefully for being Kazakhs, but they were targeted purposefully for their nomadic way of life. Purposefully destroying indigenous way of life by forced collectivization and industrialization - is not "not so optimal move", it's genocide. In my opinion.

On the other hand, that industry was put to good use crushing the Nazis a decade later. What do you think? What would you have done?

Real hate to play "what if" alternative history games (verbal ones. I love to play alternative history video-games). I think every atrocity in history can be "justified" in one way or another. So I'll refuse to answer, excuse me.


geegaw wrote

Fair enough. And yeah, if your group has a nomadic way of life then that of course puts you at odds with efforts that seek to optimize food production. This is a conflict that goes back thousands of years. The Epic of Gilgamesh touches on it, if memory serves me right.