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leftous wrote

Since this is mediation, I think /u/imminent should respond.

FOSS/"free" culture, copyleft and how it differentiates from the capitalist "open source" is even something I was unfamiliar with prior to coming to Raddle as well. It's possible it's just something they need to learn more about.

However, it's also possible they're that they're a troll. I guess we'll see if they're willing to engage here.


zombie_berkman OP wrote

im pretty sure they are a troll, i literally linked them to rms explaining the difference adn they still went on. i saw we just blacklist hooktube if /u/ziq is cool with it


ziq wrote

It's up to the community, not me.


leftous wrote

Start a vote in /f/meta. Maybe we should compile a list of fascist domains that shouldn't be linked without archive links.


imminent wrote

Since this is mediation, I think /u/imminent should respond.

Thanks for letting me respond,

FOSS/"free" culture, copyleft and how it differentiates from the capitalist "open source" is even something I was unfamiliar with prior to coming to Raddle as well. It's possible it's just something they need to learn more about.

I NEVER talked about that, nor about the difference of "open source" with "free source". What I did say was:

Do you know if hooktube is open source? Maybe somebody can rehost the website to github pages or somewhere.

But /u/zombie_berkman completely misunderstood that and went on to say how I was basically supporting "open source". As you can see all I was talking about was that if Hooktube was open source then someone can rehost it somewhere else and modify or delete entirely the "Friends" section. Nothing more, nothing less.

You can read the discussion for yourself: (archive:


leftous wrote

I see what you were trying to say. But it doesn't make exception for the fact you were doing two suspicious things which was 1) unapologetically posting a site associated with reactionaries (hooktube), and 2) giving credence to a reactionary, right-wing movement (opensource)

I have no idea if you're actually a reactionary, or maybe just not really aware of the dangers reactionaries present with technology. But either way it's a good idea to take it seriously if someone calls out that you're posting potentially harmful stuff.

Peertube is a FOSS video sharing platform you can support and promote as an alternative:


imminent wrote

I see what you were trying to say. But it doesn't make exception for the fact you were doing two suspicious things which was 1) unapologetically posting a site associated with reactionaries (hooktube), and 2) giving credence to a reactionary, right-wing movement (opensource)

Sorry, I NEVER talked about "open source" as a movement, all I meant by that was-quoting myself in that thread:

I'll try to-again-rephrase it in another manner:

If someone can have access to the code that hooktube uses then it would be really nice if they could rehost it somewhere else and delete the Friends section.


Peertube is a FOSS video sharing platform you can support and promote as an alternative:

I think you're misunderstanding what Hooktube is, videos aren't hosted there, it's just a "proxy" for Youtube.


leftous wrote (edited )

I do understand what you meant. It was a colloquial/semantic issue that most people succumb to since open source has become ubiquitous online. But from someone with a free software mindset, you literally saying "open source" means you're giving credence to a capitalist development model. On an anti-capitalist, anti-reactionary site, the reaction is obviously going to be WTF.

Now compound that with the fact this "proxy" is proprietary (that is, we have no idea what they're doing when we access their site), and developed by an alt-right dev who is likely to target and attack people who use this site.

Btw, the point of mediation isn't to determine guilt. You're not going to be banned for acknowledging that you made a mistake. If anything, we can end this here if you agree to stop posting reactionary sites and speaking in their terms.


imminent wrote

you literally saying "open source" means you're giving credence to a capitalist development model.

That's not correct since I was merely asking if the code was "known" or "public" so that someone can fork it.


zombie_berkman OP wrote

hooktube is literally used by reactionaries on voat to get around youtube and use to have a literal nazi site listed under their "friends" section. not only that, look at their fucking vidoes. the same pieces of shit in t_d and gab use and promote the site.


imminent wrote

hooktube is literally used by reactionaries on voat

As well as other people. Just because a service is popular among group X doesn't mean that there aren't other people who use it.

to get around youtube

Hooktube CAN'T fetch deleted videos and those that receive strikes from Youtube, it's just for 1) easy interface that doesn't spike up your CPU usage, 2) the download option, 3) getting around geo-blocking.

not only that, look at their fucking vidoes. the same pieces of shit in t_d and gab use and promote the site.

If the demographics change, then the popular videos will change as well.


zombie_berkman OP wrote

YOU ARE LITERALLY DEFENDING A NAZI PLATFORM. holy fuck you are the densest motherfucker out there. you STILL call it open source, and you are STILL defending a NAZI PLATFORM. fuck off and leave this site. you are below dogshit on the rank of wastes of space and resources


imminent wrote


If I was defending it then why I'm I advocating for DDoSing it and to destroy it? Which is the entire point. (I won't advocate for DDoSing another fork of it that isn't primarily used by alt-righters)

you STILL call it open source

I was asking if its code was known, but apparently it isn't.


imminent wrote

I have no idea if you're actually a reactionary, or maybe just not really aware of the dangers reactionaries present with technology.

Notice as well how I was during the entire thread respectful with /u/zombie_berkman even when he used bad language and insults.


zombie_berkman OP wrote

"everyone look im calling for a peaceful genocide. please give me a platform" --probably you


imminent wrote

"everyone look im calling for a peaceful genocide. please give me a platform" --probably you

You do realize the very video that I posted is anti-racism and makes fun of a racist and now you accuse me of being a nazi?


ziq wrote

There's a user that keeps making new accounts to encourage us to use far right websites to 'cost them money'. Which makes zero sense. Looks like the same MO and obtuse posting style.


[deleted] wrote


imminent wrote (edited )

either this person has no idea how the internet works or they genuinely want us to give ad revenue

Hooktube doesn't have any ads, and if they did, then installing uBlock Origin would block ad revenue from them.

and browser data to nazis

It's not just nazis that are trying to violate your privacy, so use the Tor Browser with everything as much as possible.

And yes, even if they're behind Cloudflare it does cost them money to keep operating it.


ziq wrote

Honest question - are you the same person who keeps promoting hooktube with several accounts? Do you have a personal stake in it?

Just wondering why you're so into that platform.


imminent wrote (edited )

Honest question - are you the same person who keeps promoting hooktube with several accounts?

I'm not promoting it, I'm literally advocating for costing Nazis money and DDoSing it and literally teaching someone how to bypass Cloudflare to make more damage to them:

If we can get 100 requests/s to their API then either Google will rate limit them which will lead to performance degradation for everyone (win!) or Google will block their requests in which case hooktube's maintainer will have to make some more proxies to distribute the load. Because of the way it works I believe that we can perfectly destroy the service since it doesn't scale well.

Edit: Cloudflare can also terminate their account if don't upgrade to the Pro plan if they receive too much traffic from them.


zombie_berkman OP wrote

so then why not do that regularly and stop going to a site ranby, and for reactionary garbage such as yourself


[deleted] wrote


dele_ted wrote

To be honest here, this feels like jumping the gun. I don't know the details of the hooktube promotion from several accounts, but this specific case seems pretty harmless. /u/imminent did handle it pretty badly, but so did /u/zombie_berkman. Obviously we shouldn't link to sites such as hooktube, but i don't even think /u/imminent was aware of what exactly he was linking to.

Doesn't deserve a sitewide ban, in my opinion.