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An_Old_Big_Tree OP wrote

Reply to comment by zoochotic in Hey, clouds by An_Old_Big_Tree

Nice of y'all to let clouds harass one last person off the site before finally stepping in.

The lines coming off that person drew a queerphobic picture.
My impression of them in the few occasions I read their stuff was that they wouldn't last around here but that they would at least provoke some conversation for a while.

I personally would have asked them to explain themself and banned them based on that but I'm completely fine with how that went down, and there's always some variation in how the admins do things and that's always been fine with me. I still think clouds should have brought it to our attention sooner, so ideally there wouldn't have been as much strain, but that doesn't vindicate DarkArmillary.

Very cool of you tequila.

Not sure why you're being this way about it.

I don't understand why you've put up with this shit for so long, but better late than never I guess.

I'd like if one day you did understand.


zoochotic wrote

I don't think he would have lasted long either, but that's not that point. Why is this being decided by clouds harassing him & borderline vandalizing this site for a week? This isn't a one-off, it's a pattern with clouds. If he was an obvious transphobe, why did no one else request a ban for a week? Why is there no real evidence? Why didn't mofongo ban them a week ago? There's no bigotry in his posts, there's just a lot of complaining about language policing & tone. It was a huge thread, everyone read it, no one else seemed to see what clouds did. People weren't outraged by his posts right off the bat, annoyed for sure, but no one else was accusing him of being a TERF.

Clouds (thinks she) sees the slightest hint of something and harasses him all week, repeats over and over that he's a TERF, then puts in a ban request with zero evidence and that's that. Then this thread gets made, everyone here agrees clouds is abusive and manipulative, but somehow that ban is just taken at face value?

Not sure why you're being this way about it.

Is that really not obvious? I've discussed gender on this site plenty of times, and people agree with me. I have all the "correct" opinions; but clouds get it in her head that I'm transphobic and now she just replies to me with the same two sentences over and over again, with things I never even said.

I don't understand why y'all don't see thru her bullshit & manipulative politicking? Or if you do, why you decide to give her a pass? We all have to walk on eggshells and read this shit, why, so this one asshole can avoid going to therapy or something?


[deleted] wrote (edited )


zoochotic wrote (edited )

Hey, I need therapy too, most people do. But especially you.

But whatever, feel free to play the "wah I'm so oppressed" card as usual when you need to deflect away from your shitty behavior.

Anyways, I unblocked you for this thread, but I'll just go back to ignoring you now. Talking to you is the biggest waste of time.