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OdiousOutlaw wrote

I wouldn't expect you liberals to understand logic, but I'll try to explain: my interest in Richard Dawkins has nothing to do with politics; he brought forth a R E V O L U T I O N O F T H O U G H T by demonstrating that religion is bad. I can prove it too! ...uhh...umm...all you have to do is read his books!


6c_6f_76_65 wrote

Isn't he a major sexist prick?


OdiousOutlaw wrote

He's shown some anti-feminist tendencies, yes. If you want more details, for whatever reason, just look up "richard dawkins dear muslima".


jaidedctrl wrote

I've gotta say, he's shitty, utterly reactionary, and counter-productive overall… but The God Delusion is still a pretty good book imo.


OdiousOutlaw wrote

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't; I'll never know because I see no reason to read it.