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Cheeks wrote

I've grown more and more militant with every year I continue to live. That is all.


shanc wrote

I've lost a degree of my militancy this year after an opsec scare :(


heckthepolice2 wrote

It's funny how people see radical politics as this naive phase that you go through but get over once you encounter the "real world". In reality I think it's the exact opposite. Anyone who stops being a radical once they get a job or whatever probably wasn't a radical to begin with, they were just a pretentious yuppie.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

L got me a sword for my birthday. It's a little long and heavy for me, but I'm in love with it and practicing whenever it's nice out.

In Dark Eye our party has finally reached Salterhaven to deal with the duke, and we found out that the coward has been hiding in his fort outside the city while the outskirts have been getting raided by the thorwalers (danelaw vikings, basically) without any help from his soldiery. The squire and the tailor are now hiding a relationship from the rest of the party on the grounds that they'd never the end of the I Told You So's.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

I think it's fucking cool that you have swords.


mofongo wrote

Greetings from the sleepless nights club.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

I'm so grateful that I sleep easily. Good luck out there.

Not sure how you feel about it or how easy it would be for you to get your hands on, but I know that Xanax helps a bunch of people I know sleep. I'm in an odd position where despite my location I have access to basically an endless and cheap supply. I avoid taking it unless I'm totally losing my shit though.


mofongo wrote

Thanks for your concern, teq. I prefer more natural methods when I'm having issues falling sleep. But my issue is that i have two 1 month olds that take a chunk of my sleep time.


An_Old_Big_Tree wrote

two 1 month olds

Ah, that'll do it. Exciting though, I'm sure they'll turn out to be some kickass people.


existential1 wrote

Finally saw a therapist for the first time earlier in the week. It's interesting how a 50 minute meeting with some stranger made me more aware that even though I have some real barriers in my life, I still find it necessary to make my own on top of them that keep me from doing what I want to do.

Also I noticed that all of my relationships are with people who can't/won't directly call me on my bullshit. My dad and I had that relationship, but he's been homeless for years and I rarely ever hear from him. And even when I do, he's not always "lucid" enough to have a real conversation with.

Long story short, I've gotta start doing things for myself before doing things for other people, which is my default. I've been doing it so long I can't even readily acknowledge my own needs anymore.


Rosa_Chomsky wrote

I got shadowbanned from Reddit and they won't lift it. Again. I think I'm done with that site.


ziq wrote

What did you do to earn the ban?


Pop wrote

What kind of teas do people like to drink around here

I dunno why but lately I've been into weird artificially flavored teas


[deleted] wrote


Pop wrote

rooibos? I like it too

pomegranate, cranberry, lately, or grapefruit, or berry


AskMeAvoutMyCousins wrote

I've spent about 5 hours in the last 5 months on my thesis and haven't told anybody. My committee knows I don't plan to present it until Fall 2019 but they don't know that I've done almost nothing.

I've finished all my coursework so I can't be a teaching assistant after this semester, which means I don't get paid anymore. Because of this I'm moving home. TAing is a great gig where I only have to work about 12 hours a week but get paid enough to live alone in a small apartment. It's set up this way because I'm expected to spend the rest of my week on my thesis. Unfortunately I didn't take advantage of this and have just been bumming around.

I'll have to get a regular job now which means less free hours for my thesis. This makes me afraid I'll never finish it. Moving back with my parents should help in this regard because they can help keep me accountable. The problem is I actually have to tell them how far behind schedule I am.

I want to finish it, the topic is interesting to me and it will help me do the things I want to do with my life. I just can't seem to execute. Thanks for reading.


[deleted] wrote


AskMeAvoutMyCousins wrote

Motivation/discipline keeps me from working on it. Since I'm not held accountable day to day I put it off over and over.

Another issue is that I underestimated how challenging some of the mathematics would be. It's overwhelming and that prevents me from seeing a good route to completion.

I have also worked myself into an unproductive sleep schedule. I stay up super late, until like 5am. I have to TA around 11am and so after I'm done TAing around 2pm I come home and sleep until like 7pm, then I stay up until 5am again.


[deleted] wrote


AskMeAvoutMyCousins wrote

I appreciate the offer and may take you up on it.

The length is just "adequate to fully realize your project." Most in my department are 40-100 pages.

I am computationally analyzing the behavior of ions making up ionic currents in neurons and their effect on the water molecules they are surrounded by during MRI sequences. The mucky math is magnetohydrodynamics.

I have yet to write any code for this. Once I have a framework for how to simulate all that I need to figure out the math and how to turn into python code.


[deleted] wrote


AskMeAvoutMyCousins wrote

I'm not really sure how long it'll take. I have experience with python but only for analyzing and visualizing data that already exists in big catalogs. Simulation isn't something I have ever done before.

I expect writing the program and getting it to provide useful data will be the longest part. The other parts being 1) obtaining the necessary mathematical and conceptual background and 2) writing the thesis (which I should do in conjunction with all other parts) and 3) preparing for my defense.

The foundational paper I'm working from used MATLAB, which I have only used briefly, years ago, for an undergraduate class. My python experience comes from a previous research project.


Bandit wrote

This is not the right place, but what's up with your cousins?


AskMeAvoutMyCousins wrote (edited )

They are "aliens" from other realities on The Wick. We gave them some bad dreams so they'd come to our Universe. (From the novel Anathem by Neal Stephenson) I highly recommend it!