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rot wrote

Reply to comment by GaldraChevaliere in Friday Free Talk by ThreadBot

catra is a greedy sociopath who traded her only friends for a chance at power.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Catra went through a lifetime of abuse in the shadow of a goody-two-shoes who only turned against the Horde because the good guys let her have fun, managed to snatch power from her abusive mother and avenge the both of them, and strived to get out from being Adora's sidekick. She made new friends and treated them better than Shadow-Weaver ever would have and breaking her power at least afforded the rest of the recruits some safety and a chance to advance.


rot wrote

she could have done that if she left the horde, without almost destroying the planet.


GaldraChevaliere wrote

Leaving everyone else behind in the process and putting herself in the position of Adora's lackey yet again, sure. Adora abandoned Catra, not the other way around. Why would she want to join her when from her point of view her girlfriend abandoned her for a bunch of strangers after only spending hours with them, leaving her alone with their mother to take every punishment in her place, and then still be expected by Adora to abandon the Horde when she finally has people who respect and honor her just so she can be second-best again?