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sudo wrote

For the sake of not poking the bears, I won't speak to the anarchist message of the posters, and just focus on the design aspect.

Overall, I like the design of these three, especially the way you highlighted the words on the 'unfit' poster. I think the phrase "The police are unfit to police" reads a bit awkwardly, since you're using the word 'police' as both a noun and a verb in the same sentence, whereas all of the other sentences use a different word as their verb. See if you can find a synonym to use in place of 'police' as the last word in that sentence. Also, I think the phrase "there's people" is grammatically incorrect, since people is plural. It should read "there are people", but that breaks the contraction theme the rest of the sentence was going with. See what you can do there.

It might just be me, but I think the capital letter Q in that font looks atrocious. Having the tail of the letter be vertical and in the middle looks weird. I'd suggest changing the font to Overpass Heavy. It's pretty similar in style to the one you used, and it doesn't have the silly-looking capital Q.

That's all the criticism I have; overall, I think it looks very good!


throwaway OP wrote

Thanks for the criticism, very constructive! I'll see what i can do if i end up printing more and putting them up. Glad you liked them overall though.