Submitted by Green_Mountain_Makhno in lobby

Every day I log into here and see absolutely the laziest, stupidest questions that could either be solved with a 10 second google search, or even slightest research, or else posed by people who are so far down some really stupid fascist rabbit hole. I'm fuckin sick of it. Fuck these lazy ignorants. Fuck the fascists. Fuck the trolls.



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ziq wrote (edited )

The shallow questions are the easiest ones to answer - so they tend to result in the most engagement. Then usually interesting conversations come from those posts as people go on unrelated tangents loosely inspired by the original question.

Getting people talking is always my primary goal, even if I know the answer to the question - which I almost always do, I still want to hear other's perspectives.

Sometimes I even change my mind after hearing them.

The controversial questions are useful too. For instance - the nofap kid today: A lot of people don't know anything about that scene and someone pointed out how it has reactionary roots. So now people who didn't know anything about nofap are informed as to its far-right nature, and that information could prove valuable to them.

The more complex questions usually result in little engagement because it takes too much effort. I asked that question not expecting anyone to engage with it. But my raddle theme song question is something that got engaged with instantly because it's so easy to respond to.


surreal wrote

there are no dumb questions


yaaqov wrote

Why all the ableist rhetoric?