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0w0 OP wrote (edited )

Read the Raddle Etiquette

Upvotes are for posts that contribute to the discussion and to the site overall, and are not intended simply to show agreement. Similarly, downvotes are for posts that are not contributing to the discussion or to the site overall, and not simply to show disagreement. That is of course except when explicitly stated, like votes or proposals.

That you didn't find it interesting or you disaggre with the article is not merit to down vote it, I think.


JoeMemo wrote

Similarly, downvotes are for posts that are not contributing to the discussion or to the site overall

But this is exactly why I downvoted your link. You posted a lot of links and only 60% of them were what I'd consider valuable. So downvoting the meh ones is a form of quality control and allows better, more deserving links to stay on the front page longer.


0w0 OP wrote

Then why are we discussing it right now if there is no value in it?


JoeMemo wrote

Because your ego is demanding to know why a couple of your links weren't met with unbridled enthusiasm.