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[deleted] wrote

Reply to comment by GrimWillow in Friday Free Talk by ThreadBot


GrimWillow wrote (edited )

I'm only talking about bots on Raddle, and the bot would only be controlled by an admin, so it would only assist an admin and mods in deleting posts from these weird lolbertarian bots that don't mind if you delete their posts, but they auto-register a new account when they get banned.

If you're interested in raddle's conversation about bots, there is a forum about them here.

or any other fiftysomething and older allies show up with bumbling good intentions and white guilt, lol.

Someone with your experience and wisdom are definitely welcome here. Are you suggesting that you're a person with bumbling good intentions and white guilt, or you mean that you'd be happy to confront people like that? Because I don't think white people should have "white guilt". That's something that many on the right claim that white "leftists" are stricken by, but it's only a thing for white liberals, not white Anarchists. But I think maybe you don't mean yourself.