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nuvpr wrote

Reply to comment by DaisyDisaster in Friday Free Talk by ThreadBot

I think I got it now, you and a bunch of others decided not to follow the dictionary definition for "racism" and to follow instead the dictionary definition of "selective racism", but for the word "racism". Understood...


DaisyDisaster wrote

Nice strawman there, but no one is talking about the dictionary but you.


nuvpr wrote

Well hey feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but that's how I see it. Sorry I'm the only one in the club who doesn't want to arbitrarily define terms whenever I please.


DaisyDisaster wrote

Yeah, that's the problem, you aren't open to correction. Your immediate reaction to us was defensive, not curious. You didn't ask us how we came to that conclusion, you just reacted.

I see your game and I'm not playing it.