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NoPotatoes wrote

I guess I'm on my lunch break or whatever. Chilling out on the sand in the shade of a fan palm. Could be a lot worse here. I think my fun a day might be daytime naps lol.

I can't believe Texas learned nothing after the last freeze. No wait I can totally believe that.


rattledlove1139 wrote

I want to sew together mini booklet for myself
I also do not want to sew together mini booklet for myself because sewing paper is frustrating
what a predicament.... result will bring joy but process will not


Fool wrote (edited )

I hope you have some sort of small hole punch to make holes, which can then be used to thread the pages together.


rattledlove1139 wrote

Oh i know how just sometimes my hands too clumsy and i end up ripping the papers, but thank you :) Fabric is more forgiving for that


tuesday wrote

earlier today i went to the store with a friend. he made some friends. now we're at their house and he's getting a tattoo.

who am i?


anarresinfoshop wrote

I made a new friend recently. They seem really cool, and things seem to be going pretty well, we have a lot of common interests and it's very easy to talk for hours enjoying every moment. However, it's been several days and I haven't heard back from them recently. I hope the friendship continues. It's weird to get used to meeting and becoming close with people again, post-lockdown era.